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It was day when Prince Jungkook was born. The whole kingdom was celebrating. Everyone, even a poor people, went to palace to give a gift to little prince. There were many bouquets of flowers, baskets of fruit and toys. King and Queen were happy how people already liked their newborn son.

Everyone was happy and were suited in light colours. They were celebrating many days and even royals from neighbouring countries came to see a little prince.

One day everyone noticed someone in black cloak with hood over his head. Everyone were scanning a mysterious person who walked into the palace and stopped in the middle of throne hall.

The King and Queen were sitting on their thrones while little prince was in the gold royal baby crib between them.

The person was weirdly quite but royal couple and other people shrugged it off and decided to wait for stranger's next actions.

That person took the hood off his head. There stood a really young looking man with white hair, grey eyes and big fresh looking scratch on his cheek.

Everyone took a step back, whispering something to each other. Yes, the man was beautiful, but he had dangerous aura around him, making others scared and uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty, I allowed your people to come to my forest for fruit and for flowers, but I don't remember agreeing for your hunters to kill forest's inhabitants." The stranger said in low voice and his eyes glinted red for a second.

Queen looked at him confused and scared at the same time. Then she turned to her husband who wore blank expression.

" Sorry but I don't know what are you talking about..."

"King, there was group of royal hunters in the Magical forest and they killed many of forest's precious creatures." Stranger growled annoyed and angry at the same time.

"Precious creatures......." King scoffed and stood up ".....they are only dumb and ugly monsters without brain. What's the problem with killing them?" King stood while stranger took a one step forward.

"Your Majesty, my duty is to protect the forest. I hope you are aware that I can't let that go so easily. Please, don't let your hunters step into the forest anymore." The stranger tried to sound calm.

King wanted to say something but Queen stood up and held her husband's hand. She whispered something to him and King rolled his eyes and scoffed and looked at the stranger again.

"What will happen when I won't listen to you?" King said in challenging voice but that angered stranger even more. The queen looked at the king confused and whispered "what are you doing?"

The stranger snapped his fingers and suddenly group of injured hunters were lying on the floor in front of him. Everyone gasped and guards grabbed their swords and waited for King to give them orders.

Stranger scrunched down to one of hunters while his eyes were closed and he mumbled something under his breath. The hunter suddenly started shaking and gasping for air and after few seconds his lifeless body vanished in the air.

People started screaming and running out of the palace. In the blink of eye, the stranger appeared in front of the King, choking him.

"Because of you, the peace between Adarlan and Magical forest ended. No one can step into the forest anymore..." the stranger said while his eyes were bright red.

King hold strangers wrist but man's grip on King's neck tightened.
Queen quickly went to her now loudly crying child and started soothing him.

Stranger's eyes fell onto the child and little prince stopped crying and stared at the mysterious but beautiful man. The stranger's eyes went back to gray colour as he stared into prince's big doe eyes. The little prince giggled as stranger's eyes went wide.

The stranger didn't even noticed that guards came close to them. They held the stranger's arms who started screaming and let go of King's neck. The stranger's skin started burning where guards held him with metal armor gloves. The guards dragged stranger away from the the Royals into the middle of hall.

Suddenly the loud roar was heard and the giant white lion with wings stormed into the palace. The lion ran towards the man and knocked the guards off him. Then now the weak looking stranger got on the the lion. The lion started roaring again and then ran out from the palace.

The queen and guards helped the king to their bedroom and called the doctor. Little prince was sleeping again when people ran into the palace again.

"Your Majesties!!!! The bridge disappeared!!" One of the guards yelled.

"What?!" Queen asked.

"The bridge!! It isn't there! And the river is too strong for someone to try to swim on the other side......and don't forget about the water monster who is in the river." Queen looked worriedly at the king who was fuming now.

"From now on, Everyone is forbidden to step into that forest. Tell people that there is dangerous animals and very dangerous warlock who tried to kill the King." The king said and guards bowed and walked out of the room.

"What if he'll come back?" The queen asked worriedly with little prince in her arms.

"I don't think so.....did you see how his skin burned? The metal.....the metal burns him. If he'll come back, we will be ready for it." The king said and queen nodded.


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