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(A/n : there will be many pictures in this chapter)


Prince woke up feeling grass tickling his cheek and morning sun shining into his face. He slowly opened his eyes only to see a big bird staring at him.

He quickly sat up and backed away when the bird started walking slowly towards prince while growling quietly.

Bird suddenly stopped, examined the prince for a last time before he jumped up and flew above the cliff right to the forest.

Jungkook sighed as he looked at the cliff. He put his clothes on, took his sword and started climbing up. He almost fell down a few times but after about 30 minutes he climbed over the edge of the cliff.

He laid down while panting hardly. Big smile appeared on his face when he realized where he is now.

"I did it."

He stood up and looked towards the forest who looked really dark and suspicious. Jungkook looked up at the enormous trees.
He took a long breath for a last time before stepping into for him unknown forest.


Prince wandered around the forest amazed. Some flowers and trees were way bigger than him, making him feel so small and tiny. He was walking about an hour but he didn't run across any creature except some annoying insects.

He looked around spotting something hiding behind the bush. He tiptoed towards it and slowly pushed the branches away and saw the cute little green thing looking at him with wide orange eyes.

 He tiptoed towards it and slowly pushed the branches away and saw the cute little green thing looking at him with wide orange eyes

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Tiny creature tilted its head and just stared at young prince. They stared at each other. But when prince tried to reach his hand forward, the creature turned around and ran away.

"No don't run away please." Jungkook said and made his way after the creature.

Tiny creature was really fast, like really fast. Jungkook ran and ran so his legs started to feel weak but he continued running through the forest after that little cutie.

He didn't notice that he ran into the thick fog, making him lost little creature. He finally stopped noticing he can't see anything.

He panicked a little and started looking around. His breathing got heavier as he didn't know where to go.

Suddenly the fog disappeared and his eyes widened. This place was the most beautiful thing he ever saw. There was a little waterfall with a lake. In the middle of the lake there was a little island with big tree.

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