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Prince spent next few days with princess Celeste. They talked about their likes and dislikes and other things. They became a really good friends.... But of course Jungkook's parents got another idea.

Also Celeste admitted that she has a secret lover that is one of her guards. She loves him and he loves her, but princess knows that her parents would do something bad to her lover, so she agreed on this marriage.

Jungkook and Celeste often went to gardens and they could talk there for hours. Young prince told her legends about Magical forest and warlock. One night he also took her with Taehyung to the cliff.

After two weeks princess had to go back to Doranelle. Jungkook and her made a plan of breaking this arranged marriage... But no one knew about it except them and Taehyung.


"So, what do you say about princess Celeste? She's nice, isn't she?" Queen asked hopefully when they were having dinner.

Prince shrugged and continued eating. After dinner he went to northern parts and trained there with Yoongi for few hours. After they decided that it's enough for today, Yoongi escorted Jungkook to his chamber where Taehyung was already waiting for them.

"Hey baby." Yoongi gave Tae a quick kiss before bowing to young prince and walking away.

"So.... what's your plan prince?" Taehyung asked as he was with Jungkook when they walked inside the room.

"I don't know yet. Me and Celeste are talking thru the letters but the plan isn't definitely done." Jungkook said as he changed his clothes to sleeping robe.

"You can go." Prince said as he took his sketchbook and sat on the chair on his balcony.

Taehyung sighed and wished Jungkook good night before walking out of the prince's chamber. Jungkook took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

His eyes opened when he heard something. He looked at forest and his eyes widened when he noticed something strange flying above the colourful trees. He quickly started drawing in awe observing every detail he could see.

His eyes widened when he noticed what he drew. It was..... A bird?
Well, it looked like a bird, a really big bird.

Prince looked up at the sky again to see the bird falling down

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Prince looked up at the sky again
to see the bird falling down. He stood up making chair fall. He noticed that the bird fell near the river.

He ran into his room grabbing his sword and a rope, not caring that he's only in light night clothes. He quietly opened the door and tiptoed through the corridor, down the stairs to the throne hall.

He hid behind the pillar and waited for guards to go past him. Then he ran to the backdoor to the garden.
Prince climbed over the fence and continued running through the sleeping village.

He arrived to the cliff and looked down seeing the bird laying at the riverside, whining painfully. The riverside wasn't big, only few metres of grass and then cliff. He backed off at took a deep breath. He looked down again, seeing that River was unusually calm, the water almost didn't move.

"Okay, I got it." Young prince said to himself while clenching onto his sword.

He didn't know if the river was deep so it was a really risky. But he couldn't let that creature leave like that. He took a last breath before jumping down.

He closed his eyes and waited until the water hit his body. He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing the water animals swim around him.

He was still looking around when he freeze. There were two big orange eyes watching him. He didn't move as the big creature was curiously watching him.

 He didn't move as the big creature was curiously watching him

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After few seconds it turned around and swam away. Jungkook swam up as his lung were burning at the lack of oxygen. He quickly swam at the shore and started coughing while throwing a sword and the rope away from him.

He panted and laid on the ground. He quickly sat up when he heard another whine. He stood up and slowly walked to the bird who was facing him.
Prince noticed that bird has bite on his wing and scratches.

"Hi." Jungkook started slowly making bird move a little.

"No no no no. Don't worry I won't hurt you, see?" Prince raised his hands up, showing that he has nothing in them. " I just want to help you."

Bird calmed down and let young prince to walk closer. Jungkook observed a injuries and then started cleaning them with water and some leaf.

When he was done he took of his clothes to dry them. He was only in underwear. He laid down and curled himself into the ball. He started shivering as the wind started to get stronger and cold.

Suddenly he felt something covering him. He looked up seeing a wing covering his frame. He smiled and looked at the bird who was also looking at him.

"Thank you." Prince said and the bird sneezed before closing its eyes.

Jungkook also closed his eyes, thinking about his life in palace, coronation and his parents finding him a wife. After few minutes he fell asleep without knowing, there is someone watching him from the cliff.


"Well well well~ it looks like our little prince couldn't help his curiosity and finally decided to come~" The man with grey eyes said looking at the young prince's sleeping face.

"We'll see if he's the same as his father..." The man stood up and disappeared after snapping his fingers.


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