Life With Emotions.

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Emma Fletcher. Was all Eliot focused on was last night's brief conversation he had with Emma. This is the first time that Eliot had emotionally felt something for someone, other than his own mother. It felt weird for him, foreign and a bit frustrating. He simply didn't know what to do and how to fix this. Its like if he got smacked into a brick wall only to find himself desperately to find the exit out of the crazy maze. Maybe if he turned over on the other side of his small twin side bed, perhaps Princess Leia on his pillow could give him some kind of sign or at least comfort.

"You're no help Princess Leia!" Eliot tossed the raggedy pillow over his head.

"Hey, watch were you're tossing your things."

Eliot popped out of his bed like fresh toast, to discover Dave's appearance. He looked like he was cover in blood. Who's blood was it? And since when did Dave become a fighter? Did he at least win the fight? His lip seemed to look awfully painful and swollen, not to mention the size of his black eye. Dave wasn't exactly limping in pain but he wasn't walking straight either… Eliot's mouth flew open, yet no words were able to be said.

"Are you drunk?!" Eliot bluntly, asked.

"Just go back to bed, Eliot." Dave politely, replied.

What Eliot saw in Dave, he had never seen before. He always would tell Eliot what was in his mind, even Eliot sucked at giving valuable advice, he was still an amazing listener. Eliot had wished that he could say something to make him feel better, because he knew there had to be a good enough explanation for what had happened. Dave may sometimes act full of himself, ignorant, rude, inconsiderate… But Eliot surpassed all of that. 

"Okay Dave, I'll be right here if anything…" Eliot cautiously picked up his Princess Leia pillow off the cold ground and crawled back into bed.

Silence, with ambient sound from the crickets echoed around the room. Now this time Eliot couldn't simply close his eyes and imagine that nothing had happened. Still confused with what happened earlier with Emma, something isn't clicking. No matter how Eliot tried to connect the scenarios, mentally its not making any sense. Eliot started blaming himself for what had happened. He could of prevented this from happening if he was with Dave and not working with his science experiment. If only he had a life outside of science, would he finally realize that there's more to do out there with his life.


The two week reports were due today, and Eliot wasn't in a fond mood. Just finished printing out his report just like Ms. Moreno had wanted it to be, shoved it into his backpack and walked out of the dormitory. It wasn't a far walk to class, so Eliot decided to try out something different today. As he took a detour to class, he managed to see things for a different angle. Everything seemed to be so alive, with people laughing at anything, really. Even the deer walked with some sense of pride which caught Eliot by surprise. His mind escaped into some sort of Wonderland, until something whacked him across the back of his head.

"Ouch…" he massaged the newly bump on his head.

"Sorry, I have such terrible…aim. Eliot?" Emma exclaimed.

"Oh its…you." Eliot's smile, faded.

"I don't know what you did with Dave, last night. But whatever it was, it better be damn good explanation for him coming last night looking like a punching bag."

Before Eliot were to get a response from Emma, he rushed to class still wincing at his new battle wound. 

Class today decided to just to drag on and on, with Ms. Moreno's voice being projected loudly, maybe that's why many people don't sleep in this class. Because as soon as you lay your head down comfortably on your arms, Ms. Moreno speaks more loudly than she usually does. So unless you're heavy sleeper, good luck falling asleep in her class.

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