Happily Never After

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Well I've been having this feeling that you wanted to know what the girls has been up to in this story. So, lets see how this turns out. ;)

"Anise no! No, we girls don't do that… Please put that down." Emma scolded, with clenched fists.

Anise gave a puzzled look and placed Emma's vase with fake red petunias back onto her desk. Maybe this was going to be more difficult than Emma expected it to be. She better take act quickly because who knows what else could Anise possibly have mistaken for food.

"Patience, Emma. This will soon be over by the time you know it." Emma reminded herself, calmly.

Anise laid quietly on Emma's bed, she gave the plain ceiling a stare. As soon as Emma were able to get ahold of some spare clothes that Emma would never wear in public she gave them to Anise. It may look odd on her, but Anise could pull it off, and it’s a great favor for Anise better than some raggedy blanket that Eliot had when he was ten. As a birthday present…from his Nana. Although Anise didn't really speak, her thoughts did draw quite a storm. There was so many questions she wanted answers to. She couldn't really stand being so uneducated and not being able to answer the simplest questions she should have been able to answer, herself. It drew her insane, there would be occasional times that she would just throw a random tantrum. It was indeed, pretty sad.

"Okay Anise, I will be out for a couple minutes, I have to go attend my philosophy class. I trust you not to burn the whole building down… Right? In case of an emergency, Clarissa, the girl next door will be there." Emma instructed, clearly.

Anise nodded with pieces of her dark brown hair falling into her face. With a simple, well awkward wave goodbye Emma left. Now Anise could do whatever she wanted, but the question is, where to start? Emma's room was pretty tight, above Emma's bed was a large cluttered bookcase, that was just filled with contemporary romance like Bet Me by Jennifer Cruise, Can You Keep a Secret? By Sophie Kinsella, and Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas not forgetting the classics, such as To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. In Anise's opinion, Emma should have been some kind of literature critic or author or something related to reading because to read this many books out of pure curiosity she might as well get paid. At least she would have something to fall back if anything were to happen to philosophy related career. Anise found herself with her outstretched arm with her index finger gliding across the spine of the book, what could be so spectacular about these books, Anise thought. I guess the only way Anise is going to find is to actually read. A new reading addict has been born. At first, she didn't understand why the characters of the book behaved that way. It was awfully strange for Anise.

"Why can't he simply go find another girl, she did reject him. What a waste of good time."

Book after book, and most of the romance novels she read were all alike. With new plots, of course, but it all just ended the same. A happily ever after, or a bittersweet ending with the main character not gaining the love of their life but they did retrieve something else sometimes better. Anise couldn't quite understand, this thing called "love". This topic was too delicate for anybody, honestly, its something that should be expressed rather than describe (and you can't quite put love into a definition because it has so many meanings behind). Anise rested her head into a nearby pillow, with the book still clutched inside that held the current page she read in the book. Before she knew, she fell asleep.


"Hey we don't pay you to be drooling around the Prince! Get back to work!"

Dressed in a fitted light pink maid dress with a white laced trim apron, Anise's head turned to see a horrid maiden with a mole that seemed to be the size of a marble, but her hair was flawless just like the royal blue dress she wore.

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