The Village girl

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I enter the village and I see a girl in a torn brown dress and a white bandana hanging up clothes.



(A/N: This is what Elliana's wearing. Also, pretend it has some torns here and there.)

{Elliana's POV}Huh? I turn around and I see Cade with a bag and his arm its

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{Elliana's POV}
Huh? I turn around and I see Cade with a bag and his arm its..ITS BLEEDING! Omg Cade are you okay?! Your arm is bleeding! I point out. It's ok, don't worry about it. He says. No no! Come inside. I take him to my very small house. Please sit here. I tell him to sit on my bed. I go and grab my emergency kit or aid. I grab some paper towels so I can take some of the blood off. I finally wrap his arm with some bandaging. I then look up at him and realize how close we are together.

Thank you. He says. Of course. I say standing up. But may I ask you a question? I ask. You already did silly! He says while teasing me. Hey! I say pretending to be mad. Anyways, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in your rich little land? I ask. Those were two questions but to answer them both truthfully, I ran away from home because my mom wants me to be with Brenda so I just decided to leave.

B-But what about the amazing life you had? You had so much money to feed yourself and everything..
I say. Ellie are you okay? He asks me. Yeah, it's just can you throw away something like that?.. I'm living such a hard life! I try to find some teenage jobs so I can help my parents buy us food and had everything and you just got rid of it like it was nothing. I explain to him.

Oh Ellie, there is a bigger and more important reason why I ran away from home. He tells me. Why? I ask. My mother wouldn't let me be with the love of my life. He says. W-W-Which i-is?.. I say stuttering, afraid that he might say it's AJ or something. I'm not telling you silly. He says. O-Oh.. I say back. Just kidding. Its...It's. you Elliana.



B-But why me?..

{Cade's POV}
I decided to finally tell Ellie how I feel about her. Elliana, you are a very strong, courageous and beautiful girl. You are always here for me no matter what and you are you. You never let anyone change you, no matter what. I tell her. B-But I don't understand..then why did you ask me to stop being your fake girlfriend and you were gonna make AJ you're fake girlfriend instead? She asks. That was just a test to see how you would react and apparently it didn't work on you. I say while crossing my arms. kinda did. Oh, is this how you confess your love to me? I say teasing her. S-Shut up. She says.

I look into her beautiful glimmering eyes for a while. Then I grab her by her waist and throw her on the bed. "I love you Elliana". I say to her. I-I love you too she says. I lay my body on top of hers and give her a quick peck on the lips. I get up and grabs my bags.
Where are you going? Elliana asks. I need to find a place to stay at. I respond. She mumbles. What was that? I ask. Y-You can s-stay over..I hear her say. Are you sure? I ask her. Yes. She reassures me. Ok then, if you say so.

✨T.B.C. ✨

A/M: Ok so I tried not to make that big of a cliffhanger. Also I apologize for not publishing yesterday, I was actually quite busy yesterday and barely had time to even go on my phone. Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please let me know if you have any more ideas I can use for my future chapters (Not that I don't have anything but I want to make a chapter that everyone will like to see which will be filled with your creations!)

By the way, here's the shoutout of the week. Congrats to Jaytnfg . Tysm for reading and for staying active in my story. If you want to be the shout out of the week, make sure to support me by voting for my story and sharing it with your friends and commenting "done" after you did all the steps on my most recent chapter. Anyways I'll see yall on the next one! Byeeee stay safe!! <3

~Ni 🧡

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