Last day of summer

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{Friday 10:04 am}
It's the last day of summer which means school starts in a few days. I get up from bed and put on my fuzzy slippers as I make my way to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, take a shower, wash my face, change into a cute outfit and head downstairs. Good morning mom. I say as I make my way to the kitchen counter. Good morning sweetie. She greets me with a bright smile on her face. Last day of summer huh? She says. Yep. I say. Well, I think you should make the most out of it. You should go out and have some fun! She says. I mean, I was just thinking of staying in and watch a movie but I guess it is a pretty nice day and it looks gorgeous outside. I reply. Now that's the spirit! She says as she giggles. Haha, sometimes I wonder how she's so full of positivity and energy, like I could never! I think to myself. I make myself some toast and grab a bottle of juice from the fridge and make my way to the kitchen table.

I pull out my phone to see I have received a message from my gay best friend Jason. Rise & Shine! He sends. Good morning to you too, haha! I send back. Any plans for today? He asks. Nope. I reply. He types back quickly and asks, "Well, you wanna go to the mall downtown?". Sure, I can ask dad if he can drive us there! I reply. Sounds good. I put my phone down for a couple of seconds and I ask dad if he can takes us to the mall later this afternoon and he agrees. I quickly go back to texting Jason. He says yes! Ok great. He replies. So, around what time will you guys come pick me up? He asks. We'll be there around 12:00 this afternoon. I respond back. Alright sounds perfect. He sends back.

I set my phone down on the table and began talking to my parents. So, how do you feel knowing it's the last day of summer and that you're going to a new school? Dad asks. Well...I am pretty nervous about starting a new school and all, I mean I won't know anyone there! I respond. You didn't know anyone when you first went to middle school. Mom barges in. Not going to lie, she has a pretty good point. I think to myself. Yeah but..that's cause we moved from New York to Pennsylvania but now it's a different case! My friends still live in the same state as me, but I just ended up in a different school, that's all! I say. Things happen for a reason sweetheart. Mom replies as she walks away.

My mom is so wise, she just always seems to know what to say and at the right time.

~2 hours later~

Dad and I make our way to Jason's house. When we make it to the front I call him. Hey Jay, we're here. I say. Coming. He replies then hangs up. As he walks down the stairs I am shocked to see him wearing a dress. I mean yeah he's gay and I've seen him wear a dress to dinner with my family but I've never seen him wear a dress when going in public! I guess he finally had the confidence in himself to show who he is and I couldn't be more proud!

In the car ride Dad, Jason and I have a small chit chat and the next thing you know Jason and I are bursting out in laughter! Oh my god, your dad is so funny! Jason exclaims. I know!! I say while still giggling.

We soon arrive at the mall and we look around for a place to go first. Hmmm, how about...ICE CREAM?! Jason Squeals. You had me at Ice cream!!!! I say back bouncing up and down with joy. We then race each other to the ice cream shop where it had a huge and amazing variety of flavors! Hello, what can I get for you? A nice lady asks us. Hmmm, can I have some Vanilla ice cream please? I ask politely. BAHAHAHA You're too basic! Jason teases. What? Vanilla ice cream compliments how a woman can be simple and confident at the same time. I say with sassy expression. A few seconds later we both burst out laughing again!

{3 hours later}

Jason and I are finally done shopping and we wait outside the mall as my dad comes by to pick us up.
We arrive at Jason's house were he decides to bring his tooth brush, pajamas, his sleeping mask and a couple of games so we can have a sleep over at my house.

We decided to drop the things at my house and go out for a walk. As we go for a walk we encounter an injured puppy on the ground. Jason look! I point over at the creature. Oh no! Are you ok lil guy? He says while picking the puppy up. The puppy whimpers. Shhh, it's ok little guy, we'll take you home and help you. I say.

Jason and I run back to my house and quickly have my mom take a look at the injured creature since she works as a vet in the local animal care-taker center downtown. She discovers how the puppy had stepped on a nail which hurt the bottom of it's paw and how it's little leg was sprained. She put a small cast on it and took out the nail carefully. After all the healing she actually found out the pup was male. I carried the pup and gave him some warm milk afterwards. Then I asked my mom if we could keep him and she agreed as long as we took him to the adoption center to get him fully adopted. Mom knew he didn't have an owner since he didn't have a name tag of course and since she hadn't seen no "missing puppy" poster anywhere around the area. I then decide to name the pup "Stray" since I found him in an odd place, away from where he was meant to be staying at. But then again I couldn't be more thankful to have met such an adorable lil fella!

A/N: Hey guys, so I know I haven't added the "loverboy" on to the story YET but, I will add him in the next chapter coming up, so get excited. Also I just wanted you guys to experience a heart-warming and cute moment before getting into the drama. Anyways, thank you so much for reading and for you patience and time! Take care everyone!~ 💜

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