Community Service Pt.2 (TaeJin)

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Jin and Taehyung now dressed in the proper attire to enter the room, walk in and Taehyung sees 3 kids, the smell of antiseptic and bandages hits Taehyungs nostrils and he wants to gag, but does his best to push threw it. "Taehyung this is Soo-Yee, we put her into an induced coma for a few weeks till she heals a bit more, the pain was to much and pain medications weren't working, she has 3rd degree burns over 85% of her body, her face wasn't burned, the face is always the most painful and hardest to operate on, she is 14 and was caught in a house fire", Jin says checking her clip board, then moving to the next bed. "This is our beautiful butterfly, this is Nabi, Nabi this is Taehyung, he is going to be working with Jin-Hyung for a couple weeks, can you make sure that you make him feel welcomed", Jin says checking her bandages, and looking at her clip board.

"Yes, Jin-Hyung he is very cute isn't he, can I call you Tae", Nabi asks. "Of course you can, I would love that", Taehyung says. "Be good Butterfly, and make sure you eat all your Jello", Jin winks. "I hate Jello Jin-Hyung you know that", she says pouting. He laughs, "Oh that's right, then Ill make sure you get extra banana pudding", he says. "YAY", she squeals. "Nabi is 12, she was playing with matches and burned her legs very badly when her pajama pants caught on fire", Jin says moving to the next bed. "This is Eun, my favorite patient", Jin whispers, winking at Eun who tries to smile. Taehyung notices the bloody bandages, and all the tubes that are coming from his body, just then a nurse walks in, "Jin, I have Eun's sleepy stuff", the nurse says handing Jin a syringe, he then injects it into the IV, "Ill see you in a little while, get some sleep and have amazing dreams Eun", he says. "Eun's mom fell asleep with a lit cigarette, he was the only one to make it out of the house, he lost his mom and 3 siblings that night", Jin says making sure Eun is asleep. Taehyung's heart broke, "he doesn't have any family support", Taehyung asks. Jin shakes his head, "we are still looking."

He then starts to peel off the bandages and throwing them in a container the nurse is holding, "unfortunately he cant always be sedated for this, his wounds are so bad the bandages need to be changed at least 3-4 times day, he is awake for most them and that is a sound you never get used to", Jin says cleaning the wounds. "Doc, is he going to be okay", Taehyung asks. "I am doing everything I can to make him okay Taehyung, but his wounds are sever, is lungs are very badly damaged, and his little body is fighting hard", Jin says leaning against the bed closing his eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean..." "Its okay Taehyung, don't apologize, I can see you have a huge heart, and all of these kids here will tug at it every single day."


I watched as Jin wrapped Eun's wounds again, and my heart goes out to the little boy on the bed, I want to cry but I cant in front of Jin. When he is done he checks Eun's vitals again and we leave, saying good bye to Nabi one more time. We strip out of the protective coverings and he takes me into a different room, "These kids, Taehyung are the kids that have made it out of the woods, either because of treatments or after I have operated on them, this is Ju-Won he is 15, this is Abigail she is 11, and this little looker over here is Simon, he is 7, guys this is Taehyung he is going to be hanging around for a bit so I want you guys to be nice to him", Jin says. "Where is my Gertie", the little boy named Simon says. "I will go get her soon", Jin laughs as he checked all their vitals and bandages. "Lets go get lunch, then we will go get Gertie", he sees me look at him with confusion. "Gertie is my daughter, she hangs out at the daycare when she isn't in school, and Simon has pretty much claimed her as his own", Jin chuckles.


I pull out my cell and text Yoongi to meet us at the diner down the street, I take my lab coat off and Tae and I head down in the elevator. Yoongi and Jimin walked in shortly behind us, "hey how did it go", I ask them. "It went okay, its really sad, I don't know how you guys do this everyday", Jimin says upset. Taehyung put his arm around him and hugged him to his side. We gave our orders to the waitress and we sat in silence for a bit, not really knowing what to talk about, letting these two try to decompress after everything they have seen and heard. After lunch Tae and I head up to the daycare to get Gertie, when I open the door she sees me and runs head first into my arms. "Hi baby girl, gosh did I miss you", I say hugging her. "I missed you too Appa, so much, do I get to see Simon now", she asks grabbing her backpack. "Yes you can see Simon now, Gertie this is Taehyung he is going to be working with Appa for a little while, Tae this is my daughter Gertie", I say.


She is gorgeous, just like her Appa, I wonder where the mom is. It is so cute to see him interact with her, he seems like such a great dad. I cant help but stare at him, when he smiles at her his beauty is something out of fairy tale, he cant be real. When we get to Simon's room she ran right for his bed and jumped up hugging him, "Look Appa bought us new coloring books Simon, and here are the crayons, Abby do want to color with us", she asks the girl in the next bed. "No thank you Gertie, I am reading, but thank you for asking", Abby said smiling at the little girl. She is so sweet and polite and when Simon looks at her he has the biggest heart eyes, I have to chuckle. "What", Jin says looking at me. "He sure is smitten with her isn't he", I say. "And she him", Jin says smiling. "Why doesn't she stay with her mom while you are at work", I ask being nosy and wanting the tea on this beautiful man. "I actually gave birth to her Taehyung, her dad left us after she was born, we were young and he didn't want to deal with it", Jin says. "What an asshole, who would be dumb enough to leave you", I say. He looks at me and smiles, "Thank you Taehyung, you just made my day", he says shyly. "Jin you both are amazing, he is missing out, look at her, you have raised her to not see people just from the outside, but she loves people because of their insides," I say. I look at him and he has glassy eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad, but if you both were mine, I would never take you for granted and show you how important you both truly are."


"Thank you Taehyung, that really means a lot to me, and yes she truly is an amazing little girl", I say blushing. "Gertie, I am going to do rounds, Tae is going to stay and color with you and Simon, you listen to him, and do not leave until I come back", I kiss her forehead. "Ill be back soon", I tell Taehyung. He nods and I walk out, texting Yoongi to meet me in my office without Jimin. A few minutes go by and he walks in, "what's going on, you look weird", Yoongi says. "Smack me, just smack me now, I am such an idiot, one guy in 6 years compliments me and I get all school girl giddy", I say with my head in my hands. "Jin, Taehyung is hot, if you don't feel anything toward him I would really have to question your taste", Yoongi teases. "He's so young and I have a kid, but I see the way he looks at me, and it gives me butterflies", I say disgusted with myself. I need to stop acting like a stupid 16 year old and stop these feelings before they get worse.

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