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"C'mon Daisy, let's go." I sighed,getting her out of her seat.

Harry closed the car door behind me,and soon caught up to us as we walked to the theater.

Daisy held mine,and Harry's hand so that she could be in the middle ,swinging them back and fourth.

"So Daisy, what do you want to watch?" Harry started.

"Hmmm..." She lay her index finger on the bottom of her chin. Her eyes completely light up,

"Nice choice!" He said.

"Three tickets for the Spongebob movie please." I asked the lady. She handed me the tickets,but before I could enter the theater she stopped me by the forearm.

"I just wanted to say your daughter looks just like your husband! It's so cute!" She smiled.

I harshly stabbed my fingers into my palms,until the skin I was peeling off curled,my face had turned into a bright red;covering my freckles.

"Daughter?!" I squeaked.

"She's my cousin,and he's not my husband....or boyfriend." I cleared my throat.

"Oh...well that's to bad...you two would make a fine couple." She winked off.

What? We would? How can someone like me end up with a guy like him? I'm a four and he's a ten. How is that even possible? But.....it would be really nice if I got the chance to-no stop it Nova! You gotta face reality and see that you have absolutely no chance! I told myself.

I jumped back a bit as Harry caught me off guard and said,"hey are you okay? You seem a bit nervous..." His face shown of concern, his eyes became dark with his eyebrows furrowed.


"O-oh..ummm, yea I'm f-fine." I hated when he did faces or expressions like that. It made me feel so vulnerable and weak,like he was having to chase the bully's away-which he was-. "I'm fine."

"Can we watch the movie now?!" Daisy said getting in between us.

"Sure doll." Harry said, giving me one last glance before walking into the dark room.


Every now and then somehow my curious eyes would find there way to meet Harry's as we watch the movie. I don't know why but somehow he would stare back, then slowly turn his attention to the bright screen. As if he was trying to tell me something.

Some time had passed by a bit, with a tiny Daisy jolting up every second because of how she was beginning to fade into sleep. I shook her a bit before whispering," hey, are you ready to go home?"

She looked up with her eyes into slits,slowly nodding." Mhmm." She hummed before letting her head fall to my arm.

Leaning down into her ear I whispered,"the movie is almost over. You just get a bit of rest." She replied with only the small breathes she had as she fell asleep.

"Harry?" I whispered. His attention to the screen turned to mine. "Yes?" "I think we should be leaving soon." He nodded before answering," a-are you sure y-you want t-to leave now? The films n-not even done." He swallowed hard, as if those words he was speaking meant to come out a different way. He was obviously trying to hide something.

"Harry, are you okay?"

Pushing back his thick curls he sighed,"y-yes."

His body shrugged, sighed occasionally as he let his body glide deeper into the chair. Now I knew for sure he was nervous. But, nervous about what? Was it the movie? Or me even being here? Wow. Sometimes I do surprise myself of how cross I think about myself. But of course Harry is 'as if' comes into my life and acts like he is a therapist. A therapist. Or as if.....a dad.

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