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Chasing my mind.

I dashed back and forth in my room, running my fingers through my hair as I paced. Harry and I haven't spoken ever since the incident.

I'm worried I might have ruined our friendship, he was my only friend that I could depend on, or be there to lift me off my knees when I've fallen to the floor that was tearing me down. He was my superman while I was the lady in distress. We've never actually have ever been in a fight before in the past since we were only little children that had no better to do. Sure we would bicker here and there, but we would learn to find our solution and work things out. Because he would find the beauty in our bickering and then discover the inner solution.

He found the beauty in everything.

I put the breaks on my feet, as I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.

What should I do?

What was he thinking?

Was he really that mad at me?

Should I call or text?

Maybe I should actually apologize face to face. And so I did.

I slipped on a baggy t- shirt, sweatpants, Uggs, coat,and a messy bun. And of course adjusted my glasses as I headed down stairs. My mom wouldn't come back until eight and it's only 6:30.

So I just let myself out, and locked the front door behind me. Harry was only a few blocks away so why not just walk? I shivered as a strong gust of crisp air hit my body, it was freezing. I couldn't wait to be welcomed by the warm air of a wonderful home.

I rushed up the doorsteps and rang the doorbell, and picked at my chipping nail polish as I waited.

The door opened to a sweet,humble Anne that had opened it. Harry's mom.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Styles. I just wanted to-" Before I could finish my sentence ,she pulled me inside by the arm and said,"Oh I'm so glad to see you! I need your help. I think something might be wrong with Harry...he's been acting a little different. He hasn't talked much,and didn't even come down for some beans on toast! And you know how much he loves that."

Blush crept up unknowingly onto my cheeks at the thought of Harry eating beans on toast.

He was so cute. Stop it! Focus.

"Oh, that's just what I came here for. Me and Harry had a little 'fight' you could say today, and I wanted to apologize. I feel really terrible so what can I do?" She looked a bit shocked as the truth was reviled to her ears.

"Wow! You guys have never have had a fight before. You two are such close friends I could never imagine that! Or maybe....your more that friends..." She joked,shaking her brows. I laughed awkwardly trying to change the subject.

"Umm...anyway should I bring his food up?" I said.

She handed me a plate and drink and wished me luck. I hope this all ends well.

As I finally reached his room I knocked on the door lightly. As I waited patiently for entry, I could feel my heart racing miles while my palms started to get sweaty.

Why was I so nervous?

"Come in!" A voice called from behind the door. My hand hesitated to reach the door nob but I did anyway.

As I walked in, I found a Harry plopped up onto his bed doing homework.

He slightly looked up and dropped his pencil with a parted mouth. "Umm.... N-nova... What a-are y-you doing here?" He stuttered, sitting up from where he once was.

I inhaled deeply from my nose,and slowly exhaled from my mouth setting down the plate of food on his cushioned bed.

"Well.....I just wanted to say that.... I'm sorry. I was being a total brat back there, and I was hoping that you could forgive me and that I promise I will never do that again. Can we be friends again?" I said, fiddling with my fingers and shyly looking away the whole time. Because that's just how I am.

I looked up slowly seeing Harry smiling with his arms out walking towards me. He slowly wrapped his arms around my back, while I just laid my head and arms on his chest, while he laid his chin on my head, slightly swaying back and forth, humming to a song which I don't know of.

This is just how I wanted it. Harry in my arms while him comforting me. I could slowly feel myself fading away as I watched him go up onstage and never looking back.

I want my Harry to be with me.

I want him to laugh with me.

I want him to cry with me.

I want to feel him with me.

He belongs with me......
Tears stung harshly at the rims of my eyes. I whimpered a bit as the tears started falling onto his shirt, inking it with salty water.

"Nova?....are you okay? Why are you crying kitten?" He said,asking a bit concerned.

I quickly wiped away the tears that were coated on my cheeks, and felt heat rise into my chest and heart doing flips of what he had called me. It made me feel so vulnerable,and weak but the way he said it......let's just say I felt the exact opposite.

"Oh, I'm just very, very glad to have you as a friend. Or my only friend. And kitten? Really?"

He chuckled , biting his lower lip before answering,"Yea....I love it. It really suits you, because your so adorable and cuddly. You'll always be my little kitten, no one else can groom or pet you when I'm not here. And no one can hurt or bully you when I'm not here. If you get my point...because your my little Nova." He said pinching my cheeks.

I giggled a bit before he pulled away. "No wait.......I like this..." I said, pulling his hands back onto my cheeks. He cupped my face while I caressed his hands. I sighed longingly as he ran the pad of his thumb across my heated cheeks.

"I love your touch." I accidentally let slip out my of my mouth that was once in my mind.

"You...w-what?" He said letting his hands fall.

"Is everything okay?" A voice asked causing us to jump.

"Oh, hey mum everything is okay." Harry said,awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay.... If you guys need anything just tell me. And try not to break the bed." She winked at me.

"Mum!" Harry screeched in a high pitched voice, while I just stood there paralyzed trying to laugh it off. She then left.

"Umm........ Did you still want your food?" I asked breaking our awkward silence.

"S-sure...." He said flopping onto the bed.

We sat in a still awkward silence as he ate, with me scrolling through my phone.

I flinched as I felt something small, and slimy hit my face. I looked up to see Harry aiming a bean at me. He then threw the bean making gunshot sound effects. Then whined as he missed. I laughed at it and he just whined even more.

"Hey! Pick this up mister!" I said. He pouted crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay mummy...." He sighed. "Your no fun." He muttered.

"What? I can be fun!" I protested trying to find something 'fun'.

"Umm" "Yea... That's what I thought." He chuckled.

I growled and pushed him off the bed. "Owwwwww!" He cried. I rolled off the bed and hovered over the whining overgrown baby.

"I'm sorry I-" Before I could finish he grabbed my shoulders, flipping me over and pinning me to the floor.

"See... I'm more fun than you!" He teased.

"Harry you idiot get off of me!"

"Wait before I do there something I want you to do for me...." He said wetting his lips with his tongue.

"Purr for me Kitten"

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