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Harry has been on non-stop apologizing ever since I was ever over at his house that night.

He says he had no idea of what he was thinking. Whatever it was I never thought it would be like that....... He begs me to still be his friend, and as I remind him the multiple times that we are and that his flaw was only one little mistake.

We all make mistakes, don't we?

But I do hate to admit he has been acting a little strange as his mum would say.

He looked very sleepy all the time, very quiet during classes, staying up late at nights..... Well I only know that because of his bags underneath his paling eyes... And he would also cough a lot often. Maybe it was just a minor cold. Who knows?

"Yes, yes then you must multiply the remainder." Harry corrected me, in his low husky voice showing he was serious. We were working on my math project because he might be better than I am in math.

We frustratingly worked in his backyard, treehouse. It had a large staircase to reach the top of a treehouse strapped in lighten up lights that glimmered beautifully under a night sky,small branches sticking out of windows,that went well with the large branch that you could sit on that was inside, and let's not forget the childhood memories of board games, dolls, cards, plastic chairs,that had been scattered everywhere from the absence of not being in the hollow home he calls 'treehouse'. Yet, still I can't believe this treehouse is still standing after being here for years.

We would mostly spend our time up here as children. Some of the best memories of my childhood of spending it all with Harry.

I took a long sip of my hot tea before answering," Harry, I know that."

"Okay, if you don't want my help that's completely okay with me." He sighed.

"I do it's just...... I don't want too much help because then I won't be able to do any of the work." I replied cupping my hands over my mouth, so that I could huff out hot breath that escaped my lips to make contact with my pale, fragile hands.

"I think we should be going inside soon. It's getting chilly." The tall man said before standing.

"Where are you going?"

"Getting some fresh air." He replied.

I chuckled a bit before protesting,"Well.....we are in a treehouse....tree houses are outside.....and we are outside...sooooo still need some air?"

Oh, how you should of seen the bright red man that just stood there dumbfounded. Yes, Nova your work here with playing cards is done.

"W-well... Just n-not inside the t-treehouse...yeah?" He said obviously getting nervous. He had this little tic of when he is wrong or hiding a secret he tends to stutter. A lot. It's just one of the many things I know about the charming lad, and let me say he would never get away with it.

"Okay, whatever you say Mr. Know it all." I teased, making air quotes with my frozen fingers.

He sarcastically scoffed and rolled his eyes before leaving me alone in the treehouse.


After what felt like ages he finally appeared back at my side in the treehouse.

"What took you so long?" I said, when he had wrapped himself in a bundle of a blanket that we were sharing.

"I... Was literally freezing.... My peanuts off." Harry said with a goofy smirk plastered on his face. I laughed aloud with him joining on with the laughter later.

Why am I so desperately in love with this dorky man they call Harry?

"So are you almost done?" He said, changing the word of subject.

"No....not even close. I just really hate math I'm no good at it." I said, taking off my glasses to set them aside, wiping my tired eyes.

"Must be these stupid glasses I'm always having to wear.....I also hate my glasses if that was not obvious."

He sighed in return, reaching over to garb my glasses." Now Nova..... You know what I have told you about your glasses, who cares if you have to wear them? No matter what people say about them.....past these glasses is something....... Beautiful. And even without these glasses you can see past things and find the meaning of them...even when their not there, you'll find it." He said, stopping to stare up into the night sky filled with the bright orbs of stars.

"You'll find it." He finished. I tried my best not to faint at his heart throbbing words that could make an ice-cream melt as quick as a heart beat on a July afternoon in a park.

But, besides that what are all these lessons this god like man was trying to teach me? He has told me these many times but it seems he still needs to remind me.

"Thank you Harry, that was very lovely." I shyly smiled, he then looked back down at me and reflected my smile.

He pushed back my hair to apply on my glasses.

Harry then looked down to see his necklace and take it off that was once on his neck.

"You see this? It's a paper plane. Some day it's going to fly, and I'm going to fly along with it, to find the true meaning past my life.... And I'm so close to being there." He said, handing me the necklace.

"Here you keep it. Sometimes you just need to be reminded that you'll someday find something behind it's true meaning."

It burned so badly not to let the tears stream down my flushed face. His words stung harshly like a venomous bite in the neck. Was he trying to say he would someday leave me?

What was this boy trying to do to me?

"Harry....j-just please d-don't ever......" But it was too late. My voice had already started cracking before I was on the verge of bawling in tears. It really does seem every time I'm around him I start to cry.

"J-just... Don't ever l-leave me..... P-promise?" I sniffed, wiping away stray tears that were oft on my cheeks.

I was welcomed by the shield of tight, muscular arms wrapping around my fragile body. I buried myself into his broad chest, as I breathed in his usual scent through his shirt. Minty and fresh cut grass. It was truly a beautiful scent.

Okay now I sound like a creep.

"Promise. I won't ever leave you if it was for the world darling. There is no need to fret. I'm here love......I'm here."He whispered against my forehead. After a long moment we released and stared into each others eyes.

My Chocolate cafe eyes, with his mossy fields staring into one an other.

"E-ermm.... I think we should head inside now... It's kinda getting late." I said, ruining the moment.

"Oh okay. I'll see you down there." The now extremely tall man said as he stood, flying away with the paper plane necklace still clutched in his large hand.

I'm never ever going to let him fly away.

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