"An Issue?" {Part: 9}

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"Wait, but isn't her quirk like yours, Database??" asked Kowalski, the principal.

"[Sigh] So, you actually told everyone that your quirk is like mine, huh, Lody?" said Database.

When I heard him say the name 'Lody', I calmed down.

"Wait, so her quirk isn't like yours?!" asked Kowalski and Mr. Avian.

"No, it isn't. She only used my quirk as a cover to hide hers" he said, looking at me and looking down.

"Melody, you have some explaining to do," said Mr. Avian.

"I don't really have anything to explain since everything is in my information that is in this school," I said, looking up and turning to Shizu.

"You ok, Berry?" I asked Shizu.

"Yeah. I'm fine" Shizu said, smiling awkwardly.

"Sorry about that," I said, turning towards the teachers and bowing down.

"To answer the question that started this whole mess, Melody, your question wasn't odd, but it was about your quirk so since I know why you didn't put an answer for that question, you can leave," said Venus.

"What about Shizu?" I asked.

"Shizu can leave as well," said Venus.

"But wasn't there an issue with my-"; "Don't worry about that. You both can leave," said Mr. Avian, interrupting Shizu.

"Really?" asked Shizu.

"Just go, kid," said Database.

"Come on, Berry," I said, walking towards the door.

"Coming! And thanks Venus" Shizu said, running after me.

*Outside of the Nursery Office*

"Melody, what was Database talking about??" asked Shizu, confused.

"Don't worry about it, Berry. You should go with the others. I'll be there later" I said, walking the opposite way from the dorms.

"Ok. See you later, Melody" said Shizu, running the path toward the dorms.

("I really hope this doesn't become an issue..." I told myself, worried and scared.)

*At a rundown building, not too close to school. At 10:25 p.m. *

"I should not be out here, Scarlet. It's past curfew" I said, looking up at the dark, gloomy night sky.

"Melody, you know I can get you back in your dorm fast," said Scarlet.

"Yeah, but my dormmates and my friends will be worried," I said, looking at them.

"Just calm down and stop worrying so your quirk doesn't act as it happened during that whole scene," they said, laughing afterward.

"True, true, but still. I know Shino sneaks out to go with Kol's 'secret club' but this, is nothing like that" I said, standing up.

"Melody, you really care about those idiots? They're probably using you, especially Database since he knows about your quirk and what happened before" Scarlet said, looking at me angrily.

"If you need me, you know where to find me and how to call me," I said, ignoring her and jumping into a portal that she opened.

*In the dorms*

("I should be quiet, or they will hear me," I said to myself.)

"Ahem!" said someone behind me.

*Once I heard that I was paralyzed and turned around slowly*

"Melody, what were you doing out there so late?" asked the person, which was Shino, angry with Artemis, Rikku, and Shizu behind him.

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