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The next morning, you woke up cradled in George's arm. You looked up at him and saw that he was still sleeping. It was the day of the funeral and you were just in a sad mood. You crept out of his arms and made your way into the bathroom. It was probably about 6am so you were the only person awake. You got into the shower and when you got out, you just stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment. You stared dow at your body and started to look at the areas where Fred would used to kiss and tell you he loved. The areas you used to feel good about showing off, but now you feel the need to cover up because you hate seeing. You forced a smile on your face so you could practice being happy for the day. Your smile looked ok, but I'm sure you wouldn't need to use it much. When you walked out of the bathroom you had to go into Fred's room to grab your clothes and change.

Once you were changed you just sat on his bed for a moment looking around. The house was silent. Normally the burrow when silent was peaceful because it rarely was but today... today it felt eerie. Like you were the last person alive in the world and you were staying in some random home because you didn't have one.

As you sat there, the door to Fred's room creaked open. You looked u and saw that George was creeping in. He didn't see you at first but when he did he smiled. 'Hey love, why are you up so early? I wondered where you were.' You smiled softly back at him, using the fake smile you practiced but he saw right through it. 'Oh love, it's ok.' He said just as your smile fell and you started to brake down.

He ran to your side, kneeling in front of you holding your face in his hands while you sobbed, leaning into him. 'Y/n, it's going to be ok beautiful. I know you miss him but your not alone. After today, we can finally try to- after today we know that he's at peace.' He said in the hopes of comforting you. 'P-please j-just hol-d me ge-Georgie!' You managed to choke out in between sobs. He nodded and sat down next to you on Fred's bed, pulling you onto him as you both laid down.

After a few minutes, you had calmed yourself and was just enjoying George rubbing circles on your hand with his thumb. You started to hear the house come alive as everyone started to wake up and move around. You looked up and gave George a quick peck on the lips before you both went downstairs after you were sure it didn't look like you had been crying. You both went into the kitchen where you saw Molly cooking breakfast, looking like she got no sleep.

'Are you alright mrs weasley?' You asked concerned for her. 'You look so tired!' You added as she looked up at you. She had bags under her eyes but she faked a smile at you. 'I'm alright dear! Don't worry about me.' She said smiling. You walked over and took the wooden spoon from her hand and stared to mix the eggs like she just was. 'Go and lay down, I can take over.' You said smiling at her. Her eyes watered as she smiled and hugged you. 'Thank you dear!' She said as she squeezed you before walking off.

George and yourself finished making breakfast for everyone but once you had finished, no one wanted any. You didn't blame them because you didn't want any yourself but you still made sure that everyone ate something, which they eventually did. You didn't though, because you were so busy worrying about everyone else. After they finished, you cleaned up while everyone went to get ready. You were already exhausted, buy you knew that the day would just get worse...

Dear Fred, Love Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now