Nanjo Kojiro ~ Sleep

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Joe. Yes THE Joe of "S".

The one that every girl liked.
And yes 'every girl' is you.

You didn't like him for that shallow part of him that all the girls at "S" do.

You get to see his "normal" self and that's the part you like. The other side was just a plus.

I mean mans got the muscles on deck, face on deck, he's a softie AND he be cooking like a chef I'm a five star Michelin?!?

Yeah you definitely liked Nanjo but you admire him from afar because you know his reputation.

You actually work at his restaurant taking over for him when he's out making people eat his dust....skateboarding.

You were like the second in command at the restaurant so you and Konjiro spent a lot of time talking both about business and yourselves.

You try to be as professional as you can because you know they say keep business and personal feelings separate so you try but he makes it so hard cause he's SUCH a flirt.

You don't know if he's being serious or not and you find yourself getting frustrated at the thought every once in a while like Joe stop playin. What if he's testing you idk.

Overthinking is all you do instead of just being straight forward which you think is the best option because it avoids confrontation but it might not be so beneficial in the long run.

You were currently taking over for Kojiro and it was close to closing time. You started packing away early because it seemed like no one was going to come in again.

You were almost done cleaning when you get a text from Kojiro saying "I'm on my way with Hiromi (shadow). Well be there in about 20 minutes so you can start closing up. We'll drive you home."

You sent him an "okay" back and finished closing.

Since you started ahead of time you had at least 15 minutes left to wait for them to arrive so you locked all the doors and Windows and  went to the back so weird randos wouldn't see a lonely woman in a deserted restaurant and try some stupid shit.

You watched some YouTube videos to pass the time until your phone vibrated and the notification tab popped up that read:

We're outside

Along with faint honking from the front.

You turn of the lights and headed to the front of the building and locked the door behind you. A pink car was waiting with Shadow driving, Cherry in the front seat and Joe in the back.

He opened the door and slid to the other end so you wouldn't have to walk on the side with traffic.

You got in the car with the familiar skaters and sat beside Joe.

"Thanks for the ride" you said while closing the door.

"No problem" Hiromi answered.

"How was it?" Joe asked you.

Assuming that he's talking about the work day you answer, "It was rough. So many orders. I don't ever want to pick up a pot spoon again" you exaggerated.

Joe just laughed at your antics then a conversation between the three men started.

You were exaggerating but the work day was unusually tiring this time and you couldn't stay awake for the whole ride to your place.

You rested your head against the window trying to get comfortable enough to knock out.

It work for awhile until Shadow turned onto a bumpy a road then you were just twisting and turning to find that spot.

You finally found a decent enough one and passed out. It was a long while before you got home anyway.

Kojiro noticed that you fell asleep but the position you dozed off in looked so painful lol.

He reached his arms out and lifted you slightly, slid under you and placed you in his lap.

He rested your head on his chest and took one of Cherry's layers and placed it over you because it was a little chilly.

After a while he found himself getting sleepy from your warmth and dozed off as well.

After a while he found himself getting sleepy from your warmth and dozed off as well

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