Sakurayashiki Kaoru ~ The Night We Met

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"Babe can we go in there?" You pointed at a Totoro themed store.

You guys were walking around the city together as a little date thing. Just enjoying the scenery and each other and some shopping here and there.

"No." He said

"What? Why?" You whined pulling his arm so he can stop walking.

His eyes widen from the sudden stop and he turned to you. "Baby we'll go in when we're walking back because I know you'll get a lot of stuff. It will be easier."

"Fine" you said grabbing on to his arm again and continued walking. As you were walking by you slightly browsed the store and started getting excited when you saw a humongous Totoro plushie.

"Calm down Y/n. You're such a kid" he laughed. You playfully nudged him with your elbow and rested your head on his arm or shoulder if you're tall enough lmao. Ehem, sorry.

"Hey Kaoru?" You spoke.

"Hm" he hummed in response.

"Do you remember how we met? Like for the first time." You asked. Curious at if he'd get the answer correct.

"Of course I do. We met at one of those light shows in my hometown, the one they host every year. You were just wandering around by yourself, which was pretty dangerous if you ask me." He said which made you laugh a little.

He continued, "I know now that you were from the town over that's why I've never seen you before. At first I kept a close eye on you because I saw that you were alone and I didn't want any creepy guys or worse coming up to you CAUSE YOU WERE ALL MINE! Haha I'm just kidding." You laughed at the way he suddenly changed his voice at that part. You continued to walk and talk.

"Continue I like hearing your perspective." You encouraged him to continue.

"Where was I?...uhm yes, I was being your personal body guard but I was being discreet you know. At the same time I was contemplating whether or not I should go up to you because I didn't want to become what I was protecting you from but then you came up to me and was like 'excuse me are you from here?'"

You abruptly stop him with your laughter, "I DUD NOT sound like that."

He laughed too, "Yes you did, moving on!" He pitched up his voice once again, " 'Do you know which one of these is Ghibli Studios themed?' I'm not gonna lie I was surprised you even asked me as you could've probably tell from my stuttering"

"You were all like 'y-yeah I uh I can take you there if you'd like. I-I promise I won't hurt you'" you mocked in a deep voice.

You could see the cringe on his face, "Shut up!" He chuckled, "I thought I was being too creepy being all like 'oh I can take you there heh heh'" he face palmed.

You giggled at his reenactment, "It was fiiine. I thought it was so cute"

"Suure. Anyway, when I Took you there, you smooth criminal you", he slightly nudged you and you smiled sheepishly, " asked me if I didn't mind staying with you until the lights came on cause it wasn't dark yet and when they finally came on my heart skipped a beat seeing your eyes light up as well. You were so excited it was so cute! And then we exchanged names and contact information and I was so scared that you weren't gonna text me   or that I wasn't gonna see you again but you did and look at us now." He finished wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you in for a side hug stumbling a little on the side walk just walking to no where in particular.

It was heart warming watching him talk about how he met you and how he was feeling at that moment, you even teared up a little at some parts.

"That was one of the best nights of my life." You said softly. "But idk if this was a dream or not but this moment keeps playing in my head recently from when I was a kid."

"Talk to me" he said.

"There was this one time haha, this is so funny, but this one time we were going to visit my grandma who lived a couple towns over from us and we stopped at a red light. In the car next to us there was this kid in the back seat just like me and we looked at each other at the same time and looked away. This kept happening until the light turned green and just as they were about to leave he made a silly face. I thought that was the funniest thing ever but I waved at him and he waved back laughing and yeah. I never saw him again I wonder what that kid is like now?" You wrapped up your story.

"He's probably a lady's man if he got you to smile like that" Kaoru joked.

He stopped to fix wipe his glasses and you took the opportunity to grab your phone out.

"What-" before he could question your actions you snapped a picture of him.

"Hey! You Better delete that" he grabbed you by the waist from behind trying to grab your phone to see the picture

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"Hey! You Better delete that" he grabbed you by the waist from behind trying to grab your phone to see the picture.

"Noo. Please" you laughed, "You look handsome in your outfit today please let me keep it. I want to remember this day." You said a little more serious.

"Fine" he huffed and let you keep it.

They went on about their day, Kaoru going back to that store to bu Y/n a giant Totoro plushie and all. Little do they know, that night at the light show was not the first time they met.

End ~

For that one person that requested more Cherry oneshots, I got you.

I hope you enjoyed x.

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