Chapter 17: A Good Man

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Chapter 17: A Good Man 

Katherine did not believe him. Disbelief was written all over her face, and his, the smug bastard was smirking. He couldn’t know Watson! William’s relationship with his father had not been strong enough to talk about such private matters. Katherine wasn’t even sure if Lester knew Watson was her ex- master. She was freed. She had the papers to prove it and this man would not be her downfall. 

He interrupted her thoughts with his cool voice. 

“You have half an hour before he joins us for dinner, act civil.” Blake snarled, turning on his heels and leaving the room.

A different maid entered and helped dress Katherine. Katherine only accepted the help because two burly men had accompanied her and one held chains. If Blake was telling the truth, she did not want to be at such a disadvantage. She worked quietly but was clearly envious of Katherine’s treatment. It wasn’t her words; they were respectful. It was the fact she tightened the corset a little too hard and grimaced every time she touched Katherine’s hair.

When her hair was curled back and pined with several pink flowers, Katherine had already changed into a grey dress. She shuddered to think it belonged to her mother in laws, and tried to ignore it as flowers were added into her hair. It seemed to be the only decorative piece she would get. At least her wedding broach was gone, she had forgotten to wear it the day she had been picked up off the streets. When she thought she looked right, she nodded to the maid. 

She reached the bottom of the stairs quickly, desperate for the night to be over and for her humiliation to end. When she found her father in law conversing with a breath taking female, Katherine assumed this was William’s prospective bride. The girl looked so young and Katherine could see her wide eyes were uncomfortable.

The girl looked at Katherine, almost asking for comfort. Katherine turned away, betrayal sinking into her. Then, he clapped. “Miss Price, this is Mrs Blake, wife to William.”

“Good evening Mrs Blake.” The young blonde curtsied, her head lowered. She reminded Katherine of a pixie. In the fairy tales she used to tell the young Watson children, who were probably young adults now, it was always a miniature- mystical creature, who played the pixie. The girl’s white dress and innocent blue eyes reminded her of that. 

“Miss Price.” Katherine greeted warmly. She did not blame the young girl who was supposed to replace her. If she was going to be related to Blake, she needed all the sympathy she could get. 

“I’ll leave you two to become acquainted.” Blake walked off after he passed Katherine some wine. 

Katherine accepted the drink that Mr Blake passed her, but never brought it to her lips. She studied Miss Price, who copied in return. They conversed a little and Katherine found her very naïve, extremely boring and quite sweet. 

When dinner was announced, Katherine looked to see if Watson was around.  The corridor they were mingling in had about twenty guests, so she had to peer over Miss Price’s shoulder. “Are you looking for anyone?”

Katherine, startled, shook her head to her new friend. “No, Miss Price.”

The dining room was beautiful. The isolation and lack of things to occupy herself with had Katherine admitting it, but only to Miss Price. The Blakes definitely had a taste for expensive furniture and foreign influences. Her father in law was undoubtedly racist, yet his room was dominated by a Colonial mahogany table. The room also had a grand chandelier which took over the ceiling, yellow candles and servants with lanterns (Katherine presumed it was in case the guests wanted to go outside) at the sides. Against the cream walls and long Rosewood red curtains, it was a room any woman would have been proud to have designed. 

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