Chapter 12: Missing William.

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Chapter 12: Missing William

The fading light as it became late only increased William’s excitement. He had heard the footsteps of Lester’s cowboy boots and Katherine’s soft voice. It had taken them awhile to reach the cell door and it showed how big the prison was. When William had entered, he had stumbled through corridors the length of Hyde Park. However, instead of greenery and pleasant company, he saw his fellow inmates of the prison. 

The draught made William shiver, but he had given up trying to warm himself up. It was late now. He wanted to return to whatever state he had been induced in, it hurt less than staying awake. He knew Katherine was coming, but he had learnt that sleep was a good way of passing time.

He was growing frustrated, which reminded him of his childhood. When Lester had encouraged their governess or tutors to partake in sport, William would be left alone in the classroom. He wanted to meet Greek scholars and Roman play writers.  He hated the outdoors and the lack of academia his brother seemed to possess.  

He was idle.

William hated being idle because he was left alone with his thoughts. His problems would be pushed back into his mind, only to return in the middle of a deep slumber or a daily meeting. Today, he hated being idle because it reminded him he was alone with the ignorant. In the night, those men grumbled and cried out for a willing whore or cup of strong ale. 

He needed to talk to her before he went insane. The lack of intelligence was driving him insane. 

He could see her, even though he couldn’t move and greet her. William had been in the same position for hours now and his stiff body was dried blood. He was ashamed that his wife saw him looking so weak. 

“Will,” Katherine greeted, clutching her basket closer. “I’ve missed you.” 

She brought the lantern to her face and made her way towards him. It was his angel. The creaky cell door and rattling noises which disturbed his rest, was no longer on his mind. When she placed a hand on the table and frowned at the dirt, William felt a chuckle approaching. He had missed the way she hated dirt and detested it anywhere or on anyone.

She rubbed bits of mud with a look of disgust on her face, the other hand holding the lantern to her face. William relaxed in the sunset glow as he realised how much he had missed her company. 

“Oh my God!” Katherine exclaimed, realising the state of William’s skin.

His loosely draped shirt was unbuttoned and she could see the faint bruises appearing, they would become prominent later. There was also dirt which was a mix of grease, blood and mud. Some had trickled all over his chest and she could smell the pungent smell of sweat. 

Katherine knelt beside him and her hand brushed against his chest, brushing the flakes off. He shook uncommonly for a man of his strength and Katherine rubbed his sore arm. A small murmur indicated his pain and she followed the trail of pain until he cried out. 

It was wet. She could identify the cause of the liquid easily enough, since it had poured out of her so many times. Blood was soaking her hand and Katherine’s hand shook as she brought it to her face. Staring at the blood for a few seconds made her tremble and she rapidly wiped her hand on her dress.

“Lester!” Katherine called, screaming her brother in law’s name as she frantically looked for her needle. Amongst other things, Katherine had bought food, a blanket and her needle. 

There was no response and she called out again, this time it seemed like a screech. It bounced across the wall and down the empty corridor. 

“No,” William dragged out weakly, barely gaining breath as he continued. “Only you, only you,”

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