Chapter 24

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*Prom Time*

*Ali's POV*

It's finally prom time and I can't wait, Tj and Brit got married on spring break, which was so cute and I got to be the maid of honor. I hope they last a long time. I'm just getting out of the shower and getting dressed. I skipped downstairs and got some toast. Isaac kissed me on the cheek and took my toast "That was mine" I frowned

He laughed "Sorry, how about I take you to Starbucks" he said and I jumped off the stool and ran to the door.

I turned around to Isaac still standing there "Come on I want Starbucks" I said and he shook his head and walked to the door. We got in the car and drove to Starbucks, He got me my Caramel Frappe and he got a Breakfast wrap. We got our stuff and went to school. We got there and we walked to my locker, the girls came shortly when I was putting my stuff in

"Hey guys, you ready for prom" I asked excited, they all nodded and Tina sighed "Whats wrong Tina, you don't like Prom?" I asked

She scoffed "It's not that it's just Hunter hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend let alone go to Prom"

"He didn't ask you yet" Isaac said and she nodded "I'll talk to him" he said, then kissed my cheek and walked away

"Well you're still picking out a dress with us after school" Jenni said and she sighed, but still nodded

"Don't worry Tina he still has a week to ask you" I said and she slightly smiled The bell rung so we all said our goodbye and walked to our classes.

*After School*

When it was after school we all got into Eb's new car and went to the mall, we all split up and I went Tina. We walked around and went into different dress shops, but didn't find anything, then we went into another one and looked around, I found a really cute one for Tina "Tina go try this on" I said handing it to her. She smiled at it and walked into the dressing room, when she came out my eyes went wide "Hunter is one stupid boy" I said and she laughed

"I know, I love it. Now its your turn" She went back in the dressing room and then came out in her clothes carrying the dress with her. We looked through alot more dresses, then I was about to give up when Tina walked over to me and handed me a dress, I sighed and walked back into the dressing room for like the fifteenth time and tried it on. I looked in the mirror and smiled. It was beautiful, I walked out and she gasped "I absolutely love it" she said and I nodded

"I think we finally found the one" We paid for them then met up with the girls in the food court, we sat down

"So did everyone find their dress" Nikki asked and we all nodded

"Well it's getting late, we should get home" I said and we all got our stuff and left

Eb dropped me off and I walked in to Isaac holding flowers in his hands and a banner that says Prom?. I took the flowers and hugged him, then I smelled food "Do I smell food" he nodded

"Yep, I have dinner ready" he led us to the dining room and it was so romantic. The food was so good "Did you make this all by yourself" I asked

He shook his head "Brit came over and helped"

I giggled "Well I still think it's cute" After we finished I washed the dishes and then I walked upstairs to my room and when I opened the door there was rose petals all over my bed. Isaac came in and wrapped his arms around me, I turned around and kissed him "Did you think you were gonna get lucky tonight" I asked

He shrugged "I was hoping" he said and I giggled

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me again with more passion then ever before. Nibbling on my bottom lip I parted them and he didn't just jam his tongue inside my mouth, but devoured me like I was going to disappear at some point. His legs hit the bed and he laid us down. It was happening so passoinately but also very fast, one minute we're both fully dressed and the next I'm complete naked with him kissing his way down my body. He rested in between my legs and with so much energy and excitement he dove his tongue onto me and I gripped the sheets below moaning in pleasure as he slurped my leaking juices into his mouth adding a finger or two he was thrusting in and out of me.

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