Chapter 14

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I woke up to a soaked stained pillow. I probably did cry myself to sleep last night which is making me not feel to good. I rolled out of bed and went into the bathroom, I took a shower when I got out I put on some sweats, a sweater and I trudged downstairs and didn't even feel like eating, so I just got my bag and went to school with my earphones in my ears. When I got there I walked to my locker and the girls looked at me 

"Oh my god Ali look terrible" Jenni said. I just shrugged and got my books out of my lockers 

"We're gonna miss you while you're in Cali" Nikki said 

"I'm only going for the summer and I probably won't even like it out there" 

They looked at eachother then back at me and laughed "Bullshit, you'll probably like it so much you wouldn't wanna come back" Jenni said 

"Whatever" I said then the boys came and looked at me in shock 

"Whoa Alicat you look horrid" Tim said 

"Aww thanks, that means so much to hear that" I said sarcastically 

"What happened?" Nate asked 

"I didn't get much sleep last night" I said and the bell rung we all walked to class and I took my seat and put my earphones back in trying to go to sleep, but there was a sub, Mrs. Gross didn't want to deal with us the last three days I guess; everyone was acting retarded, so I put my music on then Jenni tapped me on the shoulder 

"Yes" I said 

"Everyone wants you to sing before you leave" she said

I shook my head "No I don't want to" I said and she gave me a puppy dog pout 

"Please for me, I'm not gonna hear it for three months come on" I looked around the room and didn't see Isaac 

"Ok, fine I'll do it" I walked up to the front of the class 

"Ok, so who wants to hear me sing" I asked and everyone raised their hand, I sighed then put my phone on the speakers, then I started singing Live like were dying by Kris Allen. I finished and everyone clapped and the bell rung, the day dragged on until it was lunch and I was still tired, I walked into the cafeteria and didn't feel like eating still so I just sat down and put my hood on and my head on the table, everyone came and sat down 

"Ali you have to eat something" I heard Nikki say, I shook my head while it was still on the table, I pretended to sleep. 

"This isn't healthy for her" Tim said

"We know, but you know she's not gonna listen to us" Eb said 

"Man Isaac messed her up bad "Nate said 

"When I see those two dip shits I'm going to kill them" Jenni said 

"We all know you wanna kill them for hurting Al, but that's not gonna make her pain go away" Nate said

I looked up "You weren't sleep were you?" John asked 

I shook my head "No and I agree with both Jenni and Nate, hurting them for hurting me isn't gonna make the feeling that I have go away, like I said before I can handle this situation, I just need to get away from everything for awhile and I'll be fine" I said smiling and they all nodded and the bell rung. I walked to the music room and laid on the couch in the room and finally fell asleep.. I was awaken by someone shaking me I looked up and saw Eb, I got up and stretched 

"Hi what time is it" I asked 

"Time to go, its after school" she said

We walked to our lockers and got everything out of them then walked to my car. I drove to Eb's house so she can get her suitcases, when she came out we drove to my house and my mom was in the living room 

"Hi sweetie, Hi Ebonie you girls ready to soak up some sun" my mom 

I rolled my eyes "Yes" Eb said 

"Well, its just gonna us three Tj doesn't want to come" my mom said

We all put the bags in the limo and we got in and drove to the airport, when we got there we checked in and boarded the plane, and I said goodbye to Colorado for awhile and with that I fell asleep.

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