Chapter 19

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*Two months later*

Its been two months and we're finally going back home, but once I graduate, I will be moving out to Cali for good. I woke up to Isaac snoring lightly in my ear and it was so cute. I slowly moved out of bed trying not to wake him, then went into the bathroom. I had already packed and everything, now I just have to get dressed. I jumped in the shower and when I got out I put on my clothes. I walked downstairs and into the living room. The door busted open and I was tackled to the ground "PLEASE don't leave me, I beg of you don't go" Kyle squeals 

"Boy will you get up off me"

He got off "Ghetto much"

I giggled "I'll be back after graduation don't worry" 

"Me worry, psh not even" he said trying to causally cross his arms

I raised my eyebrow "OK so the Please don't leave me wasn't worrying" 

"No, I did that for James" I laughed 

"Kyle you better stop lying to people" James walked in and hugged me "I'm gonna miss you" he said in my hair 

"Me too, but my mom will be here so if you need anything" I said pulling away.

Eb comes down the stairs and Kyle hugs her tightly "Kyle get the hell off me stupid" she yells, he does a pout and walks away 

"Aw Eb you made him sad" I said

She looks upset, she walked over to him and hugged him from behind "I'm sowwy" she said

I shook my head and the boys brought down the luggage. I kissed Isaac on the cheek "Thanks babe" I smiled and my mom helped the boys put everything in the car. I hugged the boys one more time and hopped in the car, we got dropped off at airport and I kissed my mom on the cheek and took my suitcase with me, we checked in and boarded the plane. After a hour and thirty minutes we finally landed, we got our stuff and I saw Jenni and Nikki 

"Oh my god what are you guys doing here" I asked 

"We wanted to greet you guys when you got back" Nikki said

Eb screamed "I missed you two so much" 

"We missed your crazy ass too" Jenni said, I looked behind Jenni 

"Guys who's that?" I asked looking at a very pretty girl with blonde hair and a little to no make up on 

"Take a wild ass guess" Jenni said and I was still confused 

"Shut the fuck up thats not..." Eb said gasping

I was completely stunned, that couldn't be Tina I mean she's so pretty not that Tina wasn't pretty before I'm just saying "Hi Alex, hi Ebonie" she said 

"Wow you really look gorgeous" I said and she blushed 

"Thanks how was Cali?" she asked 

"Good and I have some presents for you guys, but first I wanna go home"

We all walked out of the airport and rode to my house, once we got there Tj and my dad were in the living room talking when I walked in they jumped up and hugged me "Well this is a surprise I get to see my two favorite men" I said

I know I might sound really crazy but my dad and I have been alot closer since what happened in the hospital "Hi Ali and friends" my dad said we all sat down and talked 

"Oh I have something for everyone" I got in the bag and pulled out some CDs then handed them each a copy 

"What's this?" Tj asked 

"Its a copy of my demo duhh" I said and he nodded 

"Ooo, I'm gonna play it if its Ok"

"I don't care" he put it in and Jenni and Tina got up and started dancing, we all laughed.

"So who are the other two people on the CD" Tj asked 

"Oh thats Kyle and James" I said and he nodded 

"Well I gotta say they're pretty good, so whats everyone doing today?" my dad asked, I shrugged 

"Oh, I'm taking Ali out on a date today, if thats ok with her" Isaac said

I smiled and blushed "Thats fine with me" 

"Ok then anyone else do something" they all shook their heads

The girls and I walked into my room and sat in a circle 

"So, who's ready for our last year of school" they all nodded 

"Hell yea and plus once we graduate we can all go and live in California" Jenni said and Tina gave her a high five 

"Yea, but you guys have to help me with something" Tina said and we all looked at her 

"Ok what is it?" Nikki asked 

"I have a huge crush on someone at school and I need your help" she said 

"Who's the guy?" I asked and she blushed 

"Hunter" Jenni and Nikki said and the same time 

"Ok well we go back to school in three days so, we can help you by then, first did you get rid of all the slutty clothes in your closet" I asked and she shook her head no "Ok, thats what we have to do, then we have to help you not look and touch every guys you see, Ok" I said and she nodded "And third the boys are gonna have to help with getting hunter to not be a manhoer" I said and they giggled

The girls and I talked for what seemed like hours, then I had to get ready for my date with Isaac. I got in the shower, when I got out I searched for a outfit but no luck, I groaned. Nikki and Eb walked in and saw me "Need some help there" Eb asked and I nodded.

They helped me with my outfit and when I walked out I was wearing a silver top with my black leggings and some flats , I walked out and the girls smiled "I don't know what I'd do without you guys" I said and they shrugged. I hugged them and walked downstairs, the boys were all sitting in the kitchen, I cleared my throat and they all looked at me "Well don't you look pretty" my dad said and I blushed 


"You ready to go" Isaac asked and I nodded, he led me to the car. I asked where we were going but he didn't answer, so I just laid against the seat and relaxed. After 30 minutes of driving, he stopped. We got out and he blindfolded "Is this really necessary?" I asked

He chuckled "Yes it is, so you won't see anything?" he led me somewhere.

He took off the blindfold and I saw an amazing setup, we were at an amazing lake that shimmered dark blue in the moon light. We walked over to a blanket that was laying in the grass and sat down "This is beautiful" I said in aw 

"Not as beautiful as you" 

I blushed "You're so cheesy, but thanks" Kissing him on the cheek 

"You wanna go swimming" he asked and I raised my eyebrow 

"I don't have a bathing suit"

He shrugged "It doesn't matter" he stood up and stripped down to his boxers "Come on or am I gonna have to throw you in there like that" he grinned

I shook my head "No no fine" I took off my leggings and shirt and was left in my underwear. He lifted me up and ran to the water, once we got in it was cold.

I started shivering "Cold" he asked and I nodded, he wrapped his arms around me and stayed like that for a couple minutes "I love you" he said and I looked up at him 

"I love you too" I said and connected my lips to his, he licked my bottom lip and I let him in then he lifted me up and walked back to the blanket, then laid us down with out braking the kiss. We finally pulled away and laid there staring at the starry night until I fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

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