Chapter 2

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When I woke up, I was in the Nurse’s office. I really don't remember what happened one minute Timmy's fighting Isaac the next minute I'm in here. I tried to get up but I had a really bad headache.The nurse came in and said that my brother was here to take me home. I slowly got up to go to the bathroom and when I looked in the mirror I had a huge bruise on my cheek. That’s when I remembered that I was trying to get Isaac off of Tim and got hit in the process

 A tear rolled down my face as I walked out of the bathroom. I walked into the hallway and Tj was standing by my locker when I walked over to him his eyes widened. Tj is my older brother with light brown hair and green eyes, he was about 6'0 with an athletic body, he looks rough but he's a teddy bear

"Oh my god Ali what happened to your cheek?" he said staring at it 

"I got punched duhh" I said opening my locker to get my stuff out

"Who hit you like that?" he was really concerned 

"Isaac" I mumbled so he wouldn't hear me

"What did you say?" He asked leaning in closer to hear me better 

"No one, Ok can we just drop it please" Closing my locker and walking to the front of the school 

"OK" he ran behind me to catch up

We walked out to the parking lot, so I could get my car and Tj followed behind me. The drive home was quiet and I didn’t even have the strength to turn on some music. When we got home I went straight up to my room and closed the door locking it behind me. I sat on my bed when my phone started buzzing, when I looked at it and it was a text from Jenni 

"Hey are you Ok?"

-Jenni :)

"Yea I'm Ok, I just have a headache"

-Ali <3

"Aww Alicat me and Nikki will be over there after school"

-Jenni :)

"I feel so loved"

-Ali <3

"Haha well I got to go I'll see you later"

-Jenni :)

“Haha Ok tell Nikki I miss her"

-Ali <3

"Ok Peace"

-Jenni :)

After Jenni and I finished our conversation I didn't know what to. I didn't have any homework because I only went to three classes, so I turned on the radio and "Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson was playing. I started singing along with it, when it was over someone was knocking on the door. 

"Who is it" I yelled at the door 

"Its Tj open the door you loon" 

"Just for calling me a loon I'm not opening it" I said sitting on my bed with my arms crossed 

"Aww come on I'm sorry" I could hear him making pouting noises 

I laughed then went to open the door "What do you want?" 

"I heard you singing from downstairs you're really good" he said sitting next to me 

"Thanks I sing when I'm bored" Shrugging my shoulders

"You should do the spring festival" his eyes lighting up and smiling at me 

I looked at him like he was crazy "Are you crazy the only people that know that I can sing are the girls and Timmy and plus I have stage fright" 

"Are you sure you're really good?" I looked at him and nodded my head, he sighed and nodded okay then stood up "Just think about it sis you might surprise yourself" with that he left out of the room. I sat there thinking whether or not I should do it, while I was thinking the doorbell rang 

"Ali answer the door I'm in the shower" He yelled from his room 

I got off the bed and went downstairs, when I answered the door Isaac and his goons were standing there my smile soon faded from my face

"So are you gonna let us in dummy" I glared at him then moved out of the way 

"Don't you guys have your own houses to destroy" I said sitting on the couch 

"Yea but we like your house better and my parents aren't home" Nate said sitting next to me 

I smiled at him, I think the only person I like out of the three of them is Nate because he's shy and funny, don’t get me wrong he's still a dick that picks on Nikki just not to the extreme Isaac does. I turned on the t.v and watched MTV then Isaac took the remote from me 

"Can I have that back, now" I said standing up 

"Yea I don't think so" Smirking as he changes the channel to something sports related 

"Fine I'll just go in my room” I stomped around the couch pushing the back of his head “You're such an asshole" 

I started walking to the staircase when the doorbell rang again, I answered it and Jenni and Nikki were standing there 

"What up bitches" Jenni said walking into the house 

"Can you ever go one second without cussing" Nikki exasperated 

I nodded in agreement with Nikki, but she just shook her head no. Nikki and I giggled while walking past the living room into the kitchen 

"Do you guys want something to drink?" 

"Yea sure" They said at the same time I got some sodas and we sat at the table talking. 

Nate walked in and looked at Nikki, and I swear he was blushing but all he did was get some sodas and left 

"Aww someone has Nikki fever" I winked at her 

"No he doesn't Ali, he was probably just hot" She flushed and looked at her drink 

"Oh my god you fucking like Nate" Jenni nearly screamed 

"Well can you say it any louder Jen" I retorted 

"Sorry, but is it true though and don't you dare lie" Jenni said looking at Nikki 

"Ok it’s true but you can't tell anyone please" Nikki was now blushing at this point 

I looked at her and blinked a couple times "Wow that's shockingly cute" 

"I know that's really fucking shocking" Jenni screeched 

We finished our conversation and the girls left, I walked out of the kitchen and was about to walk upstairs "Hey Alicat come here" Tj said from the living room, I sighed all I want to do is lay down, but still walked into the living room 

"What do you want?" Looking at him annoyed 

"Watch t.v with us" He was patting the seat in between him and Isaac 

"Why, when I can watch t.v upstairs" I clearly did not want to be anywhere where Isaac was 

"I know but come on pwease" He said in a baby voice 

"Fine just stop with the baby voice" I plopped myself in between the two of them and stared at the screen ahead

"Thanks" he said kissing my forehead 

While watching the t.v, I noticed  that all the boys were asleep. I got up, kissed Tj on the head and went upstairs to my room. After getting in the shower, I put my pj's on and climbed into bed falling into a restless sleep.

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