Chapter 16

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*Jenni's POV*

I woke up went into the bathroom and saw dry tears on my face. I'm mad as hell, yea I know everyone thinks I'm all badass and stuff but I'm actually not. I got in the shower and got out, then got dressed in a baseball t-shirt, some jeans, and my toms. I walked downstairs and no one was home, so I got something to eat then I heard honk from outside and walked to the car.

John kissed my cheek "How you feeling today" he asked

"Ok, I guess" I sighed, he took my hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb "How did you stop being a player" I asked

He chuckled "Well I finally found someone that I love and that I can be myself around" he said

I blushed "Thanks babe" I said and that made me feel a little better. We pulled up to the school and we walked to our lockers and Nikki and Nate came over with Isaac "Jenni I'm so.."

I cut Isaac off "Its Ok, you don't have to apologize, I was the one that got mad" I said

He looked down at his shoes "Thanks and I'm still sorry for hurting Ali"

"Its not me you have to say sorry to, its Ali" Nikki and I said

He nodded his head and the bell rung... It was now lunch and I got some tacos and sat down at the table with John, then Nikki, Nate and Isaac came and sat down. We were enjoying our lunch until Tina had to come over "Hi people, hi baby" she said looking at Isaac and I wanted to gag

"What do you want Tina?" Isaac asked

"Oh, you know what I want" she said and it gave me bad shivers

"You know what Tina, I'm not doing this anymore I don't care what you told me I don't like you" he said

"Yea, so just leave" I charmed in

"No one asked you a damn thing Jen"

"No, but you're over here harassing people so I have a right to put my opinion in" I said

"Whatever bitch"

I glared at her "Bitch? I know you didn't call me a bitch, you know what Tina thats why no one likes you because you're a bitch, why do you have to be like that just because you got made fun of in 8th grade" I said and she looked sad and scared "Aww is big old Tina scared now. You just don't like the fact that you had braces in 8th grade and everyone called you Tin can Tina, but not Ali or Nikki not even me, so why do you love making Ali feel like shit when she was actually your friend huh" I asked and she didn't answer "Exactly you don't have shit to say because you know I'm right" I said and she walked away about to cry

"That was too much Jenni" Nikki said

"No it wasn't, she deserved it. You used to always call her your role model when we were in middle school and what do you say about her now" I asked

"I know what I said but she's still my sister" she said and I rolled my eyes.

The day was finally over and John drove me home and we went inside, I jumped on my couch and got my laptop out, I logged on to Skype and Ali was on so I clicked on it and it was ringing after the third ring she picked up

"ALICAT!" I screamed at the laptop, John just shook his head at me

"Hi jelly bean, Hi John" she said

"What are you up to right now?" I asked

"Nothing really, Eb's on the phone with Timmy and I'm not..." she stopped then looked at her phone and laughed

"Why are you laughing" I asked

She stopped "No reason, I was just reading something" she was blushing

"You're blushing" That girl only blushes when someone is being a flirt with her

She bit her lip "Ok, I'm talking to this guy" she said and I really didn't know what to say "Well aren't you happy that I'm moving on" she asked

I sighed and looked at John he just shrugged "Umm, Ali I have to tell you something?"

She looked at me with worried eyes "What?"

"Well, before you get all mad just listen; Isaac was blackmailed by Tina" I said and she just looked at me

"How do you know this?" she asked

"Isaac told John and John told me" I said

She sighed and combed her fingers through her hair "You know whats funny, I didn't even let him explain I was too in shock, mad and upset to listen to him" she said

"I know, but now you know so what are you gonna do?" I asked and she shrugged

"AHHH Jenni, how are you I miss you, but its beautiful out here" Eb screamed

I laughed "Hi Eb I'm good and I miss you too" I said

"Well I'm gonna go and I'll talk to you later" Ali said and I nodded

"Ok, bye I wuv you" I said

She giggled "I wuv you too" she blew a kiss into the camera and the screen went blank. John left and I went into my room and changed into my pajamas, then fell asleep

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