Chapter 13

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I woke up for once not really having to worry about anything, but that doesn't mean I wanted to get up. I laid there for a couple more minutes then rolled out of bed. I walked into the bathroom, got in the shower and when I got out I got dressed, put my hair up in a ponytail then went downstairs and got some cereal. I wasn't aware of the time and when I did look at the clock, I was gonna be late for first period, I quickly finished then grabbed my keys and dashed to my car. I drove to school and I was still late, but really didn't care. I walked down the hall and all you can hear were teachers talking between the doors and the sound of my shoes tapping the floor as I walked. I walked to my locker and got my book then started down the hallway to class as I was walking I heard two people talking and laughing. I really didn't care to look who it was but I had to walk down that hallway anyways, so when I did I stopped in shock, I guess they didn't notice me until I dropped my book on the ground 

"Uh Ali, I can explain" Isaac said standing there with Tina 

"No need to explain, I see this is where you've been spending most of your time lately, so you know what Isaac I'm done with you" I walked closer to them and got in Tina's face "I hope you're happy bitch you finally got what you wanted, I hope you die one day" I said with my blood boiling inside me, I stepped away from her and looked at Isaac "And you I was right this whole time, once a player always a player, have fun with her because I'm pretty sure you already have" I picked up my book from the ground and walked away leaving both of them standing there. I was not about to let them see me cry, I will not give them the satisfaction of seeing me break down, but deep down inside I just want to go back home curl in a ball and cry my eyes out. I walked into Mrs. Grosses class and everyone looked at me 

"Ms. Rivera I will not tolerate lateness" she said

I rolled my eyes "Oh shut the hell up and teach the damn class" I said and sat down in my seat, everyone still looked at me "What take a fucking picture it'll last longer" I said and they all looked forward 

"Ms. Rivera what did I tell you about your language" she said 

"You know I could give two fucks about what you told me, but does it look like I'm listening" I heard Eb and Nikki gasped and Jenni started laughing like crazy

"Alexis I will give you detention" she said then Isaac walked in 

"You threatening me has no affect what so ever, so do what ever you want" I said leaning back in my chair, she turned beet red and just continued to teach.


Lunch time and I walked to the table with nothing to eat, I wasn't hungry. Everyone came and sat down and stared at me "You guys too, what do I have something on my face" I said

They shook their heads "It's just you're acting really weird right now because the Ali I know would never in her right mind cuss out a teacher" Jenni said

"I'm just mad" I said

"Why?" Nikki asked

"Its nothing I can handle it" I said and they just looked

I got up from the table and walked out of the cafeteria. I stopped by some lockers and slid down them, then someone came and sat next to me, they rubbed my back and when I looked up it was Eb "You know its Ok to cry, just let it out" When she said that I just broke down and cried, I didn't care how loud I was I just couldn't hold it in anymore "Shh, let it out" she said soothingly

"W..why does life h..have to be so f...fucked up" I sniffled

"It'll get better I promise" I looked at her

"I don't really believe in promises anymore" I said looking down

"Well believe in mine because my promises count" she said and I smiled, then the bell rung. We got up and I took her to the music room, we sat down at the piano, I messed with the keys, until I started playing What hurts the most by Rascal Flatts. I finished and she looked at me "Is that how you feel right now" she asked

I nodded "I think I'm gonna go to Cali just for the summer"

She nodded "If that's what you want to do"

"You can come with me if you want" I said, hoping that she will say yes

She smiled "I would love to, but what about everyone else what are you gonna say when we're magically gone"

"Just tell them the truth, but leave Jenni and Nikki to me" I said dreading the moment I have to tell my two oldest and earest friends that I'll be leaving for the summer

She nodded "When are we leaving?" she asked excited

"I don't know yet I haven't even told my mom that I was even going, but I'll asked today then text you"

"Ok" the bell rung and the day dragged on, it was finally after school. I drove straight home and went to my room, then my mom came in "Hi sweetie" 

"Hi mom, Uhh I thought about what you said and I would like to got with you just for the summer and can I bring Eb with me" I said all in one breath

She beamed "Oh my god sweetie that's great and bring whoever you want"

I smiled at her "Thanks mom"

"No problem, you just tell me when you wanna leave" she said

"Can we leave tomorrow after school" I was pretty much begging at that point

"Are you sure? You don't wanna finish the last two days" she asked and I shook my head "Ok, well call Eb and let her know to start packing"

I giggled "Ok mom" she kissed my forehead and left

I called Eb and she squealed which made me laugh then I called Jenni and Nikki and told them my whole situation and they now understand why I'm leaving, I laid on my bed I didn't have anything to pack cuz I didn't feel like unpacking in the first place then my phone rang and it was Isaac. I clicked end and put my phone down, then I got at least four messages from him, which I all deleted I was getting frustrated, so I turned off my phone and put on the nightstand, I got my pajamas on and went to bed.

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