Chapter 32

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The feeling of a hand gripping my shoulder startles me awake, causing me to sit up in my chair abruptly and toss my blanket to the ground.

"Sorry!" Milah holds her palms up to surrender. "I was just letting you know that the road is open."

I groan, rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake up. My back cracks as I lean forward; sleeping in the chair was not the best idea. I don't even know what time I fell asleep last night.

"The power is out."

I look up to Milah, who looks just as tired as I feel. I hate how adorable she looks in my oversized tee and basketball shorts. We shared many mornings where I woke up to her in my clothes; she always claimed they were more comfortable than her own.

Her disheveled hair sticking to her chin where she drooled during the night quickly removes that adorableness.

"Have you eaten?" I sink back in my chair and peer outside to the guest house. The flickering of the TV has stopped, which makes sense since the electricity went out. It looks as if it could start raining at any second. The sky is dark, windy, and loud. It's going to be a nasty one. I'm almost wondering if I should head to the main house. I'm not leaving Em in the guest house, though.

"I'll get something on the way back to the hotel. Is it okay if I steal these?" She points to my clothing. "I'll bring them back before I head home to Maine."

I have a feeling I'm never going to see them again. I really like those shorts. Whatever, if it gets her to leave she can have them. "Yeah. It's fine."

I finally pull myself away from the window, standing to stretch my muscles. They burn. I need to run. This is two days in a row I haven't been able to stretch them with a good beach jog or dance. It clears my head but it also keeps me from feeling like complete shit in the morning, like I do right now.

"Actually..." she chirps happily. I turn back to Milah who begins moving towards the kitchenette. "I think I am hungry. Have anything that we don't have to cook? The stove looks electric."

I should have never offered.

"I'm sure there's breakfast bars or something in the pantry. You can take whatever you want with you."

For the love of God, please take the hint.

I swipe my phone screen and unlock it to see that there are no messages from Emma. Just a few texts from Will telling me to stay patient and give her space. The longer she draws this out the worse I'm feeling. How much time exactly am I supposed to give her?

"Funyuns?" Milah finally stops rummaging through the cabinet and emerges with a yellow bag in hand. "Jones! This is so unhealthy of you. I'm honestly astonished you have these!"

That's because I didn't buy them for me. I bought them for Emma to have at the fireworks. There's also wine, which I'm about to start binging on if Milah doesn't leave before this storm hits.

"If you want them you can take them." I roll my eyes and begin folding my blanket.

"I was just surprised." She shrugs and places the bag back in the cabinet. When she emerges the second time she has two protein bars in her hand. She holds one out to me with a pearly smile. "You should eat something. You were pretty drunk last night. You were doing your normal rambling."

"I wasn't that drunk and I'm good." I hand it back to her. "You can have one for the hotel."

I don't want to eat. I want her to leave so I can take a shower and call Emma.

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