Chapter 48

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This is exactly what I didn't want to happen.

I've never been so scared in my life; watching EMTs putting Emma into an ambulance scared the shit out of me. It didn't take them long to get to the house after calling 911, but in that time I still couldn't get Emma to wake up.

Scarier than that was when the EMTs began asking me questions about her health. I have come to know Emma more through living with her these last few months, but that doesn't mean that I know Emma.

I can't answer her past medical history to EMTs or hospital staff who are asking me questions. All that I can say is that hypertension runs on her mother's side and is triggered with pregnancy. How the hell would I know if she's allergic to anything or if she takes any medications? I haven't seen her take anything other than a vitamin every day.

The only time I left Emma's side tonight was to make a phone call. A phone call that is really going to piss her off. I can live with her being mad at me for the time being. She will get over it. I need someone to talk sense into her because obviously she's not going to listen to me. My jaw just about hit the floor when the EMT told me what her blood pressure was. She should know what kind of damage this causes to the body if it goes untreated.

I wait over an hour or so outside her room, giving doctors and nurses space to treat her. But I stay close. Not just for me, or for her, but for Killian. That's his girl in there, and their baby.

After another round of calls and making a few arrangements, I tuck my phone back into my pocket and return to Emma's room and find that she is actually awake. She's sitting up in the bed, eating what looks like jello. At least I hope it's jello. It looks gross. Only Emma would eat that.

"Thank God," I mutter as I close the sheet used as a door behind me. "Do you know how panicked I've been?"

"Sorry." She sets down the small bowl on the table in front of her. I can tell just by the small quiver in that sorry that she's about to cry. I wasn't the only one scared; tonight Emma scared herself.

Per our usual routine when Emma turns on her waterworks, I crawl in the bed beside her. She scoots in allowing me a little more room and buries her face into my chest. I've become her second favorite pillow to cry on. I have a perfectly good best friend that would kill for this job right now and I would happily hand it over. But this is what Emma needs right now. And if this is what she needs, then I will be a pillow.

"Miss Nolan?"

Emma's sobs turn into sniffles as she looks up from my shirt to a doctor that has entered the room. He looks young and exhausted, wearing a set of light green scrubs and a white jacket with the name Dr. Whale written on the pocket. This man apparently has a thing for hoarding pens because there are at least ten of them jammed into said pocket.

"I'm Doctor Victor Whale." He holds out his hand and Emma places her trembling one within it. "And this is your... husband?"

"NO!" we both say in unison, shoving that notion right out of this damn room. The doctor smiles and looks back and forth between the two of us. Yeah, our relationship is odd.

"He's my friend." Emma finally speaks with a few sniffles. She sits up straighter and I take this as a queue to get out of the bed, apparently incorrectly, because she grabs my arm with a firm grip and brings me right back to my spot.

Okay, I guess I'm staying.

"Got it." The doctor nods and then brings his rolling stool to Emma's bedside. "Well, let's chat."

I don't like the sound of that but I'm going to hold off on my questions so that I don't panic the girl beside me.  Emma gives a shake of her head yes and then looks to me with a pair of worried eyes. Well, at least she seems willing to listen.

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