Chapter 5

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Mia's POV

Shut up already!

That man had to learn to talk about interesting things because his wives affair with someone I don't even know was nowhere near an interesting topic.

I let out a long sigh.

Dante kicked me from under the table.

- What's wrong Sir Dante?
Asked the old man with a stinky breath.

- Nothing in paticular. Carry on.
He signaled him with his hand to carry on with his speech about the affair.

Dante looked at me and gave me a stare that could've killed ten people. But I didn't find it that scary.

I kept playing with the leftovers on my plate, while listening to the boring old man continue his insanley boring story.

- Excuse me Mr. Hayes may I have a word with my pet?

I looked at him wondering what he wanted to talk about.

I felt a bit scared, when I saw the anger fill his dark eyes.

The old man nodded.

I didn't move from my seat.

- Come on.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the large dining room we were having dinner in.

- What's wrong I didn't say anything?!

- How can you behave so poorly infront of this man.

I scoffed.

- First of all: I'm not behaving poorly I just don't want to see anymore of your kind.

I didn't want to exagerate.

- Second of all: I don't know who this old man is and I don't give two shits about him, He's also very boring.
And I don't have the time for this.

I thought about my mother locked up in that cell. My eyes teared up but I tried to hide it. I was wasting my time here.

- Boring is that right?

His voice turned dark and mad.
I felt like I've insulted a very important person.

- Come with me.

He took my hand and pulled me back in the room. His grip was even tighter than before. I cried out in pain but he didn't care.

- Let go of me!!!

He pulled me to the otherside of the table and over to the old man.

- kneel.
He said.

He can't actually expect me to kneel.

- I said Kneel.

I couldn't resist. My mind resisted but not my body. What was wrong with me.

I knelt down.

- Good girl.

I felt like I was a dog in his eyes.
But humans probably were like dogs in their eyes.

- Apologize for your rude behaviour towards Mr. Hayes.

- I will do no such thing!

He grabbed my hair and gripped on to it tightly.
My eyes started watering from the pain he was making me feel but I still resisted.

- Apologize.

- No...

It came out almost like a whisper.

- Sir Dante There's no need.

I could here in his voice that, this was making him feel uncomfortable.

- She needs to learn her lesson.

He was almost shouting but he tried to contain his anger.

- Apologize pet!

I still didn't respond.

He lifted his hand and with all his strength hit me.

I fell to the side but he pulled me back by my hair.

- Don't make me give you a worse punishment than what you're gonna get.

If this wasn't a bad punishment I wonder what is. But I was sure I didn't want to find out.

My face was burning at the spot his hand met my face. I could tell it turned red.

He lifted his hand again and hit me. He let me fall on the floor this time.
I slightly pushed myself up feeling dizzy.

He took my hair again and pulled me back up.

I cried out in pain.

- You have on last chance pet!

- I-I'm sorry...

It was a small whisper. I didn't have the strength to speak louder.

He pushed me on the floor.

- Take her back to my room. I'll take care of her.

A maid walked over and helped me up.
She took me to Dante's room and laid me on the bed.

I would never feel this weak from a few slaps. But the ones he gave me felt different. They're stronger and much harder to bare.

I laid on the bed and waited for my punishment. I knew what he was going to do to me would hurt or he would humiliate me. Either way I didn't want it to be worse than it will already be so I tried to behave.

               | Word Count: 742 |

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