Chapter twelve - Mirror Mistress

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The blonde hero eyes widened and he recoiled in surprise. "What?! No, I'm not Adrien." He quickly said, shaking his head and waving his hands around. Marinette facepalmed."

"It all makes sense now, the you were looking at Marinette when you came in. Adrien had that same look on his face earlier at school and when he was here less than two minutes ago." Marinette pushed Cat Noir behind her.

"Brigette, it's not what you think." Brigette raised an eyebrow and scoffed.

"Not what I think? Here is what I think. You do know he is Cat Noir, and you know she's Ladybug. What you told me earlier though Marinette, did have some truth to it, except you only just figured out to he is. Am I close?" Both Marinette and Cat Noir's jaws were on the floor by the middle of her explanation.

"Dang she's good." Marinette brought her mouth back up, her teeth clinking together.

"Adrien!!" Marinette realized what she said a moment too later. Her hand slapped against her mouth, and Brigette smirked at them.

"So it is true." She said more than asked. Cat Noir quickly waved his hands around again.

"Brigette, please you can't tell anyone about this." He wrapped his arm around Marinette and she leaned her head on his shoulder. "If Hawkmoth were to ever find out, it could put you and all our friends and family in danger." Brigette furrowed her eyebrows at the two.

"I'm not promising anything, but I won't say anything for now." The couple let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Brigette. I should probably get home, my father is probably wondering where I am." He brushed the bangs out of her forehead and kissed her there.

"Okay, I'll call you later?" Marinette asked in a hoping voice. Adrien smiled and nodded, Brigette rolled her eyes ate the two. When did her sister get so cheesy? "Okay, what's the catch?" She said once Adrien was out of her sight. Brigette raised an eyebrow at her, Marinette shrugged, "There's always a catch with you." Brigette let her lips tug up into a small smirk.

"I won't tell anyone... That is if you do break up with Adrien and stay broken up, and I'm sorry Mari, but I don't think there are any other loopholes you can use for this, because I know all your secrets."  Marinette crossed her arms. "What?" Brigette asked.

"You can't have your cake and eat it too." Marinette said, Brigette let out a small chuckle.

"I'm just making things fair for the both of us." Marinette was glad her parents were down in the bakery, because her sister was making her mad. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"How is any of this fair?!" Marinette shouted, Brigette was used to her raising her voice so she didn't seem to react to her.

"You get to keep your identity a secret, and I get to have Adrien. Seems like a win-win to me." Marinette rubbed her temple, to try and relieve the sudden stress headache that hit her.

"How are you going to convince Adrien of this? Use his identity against him too?" Brigette waved her off, this wasn't an interrogation, and even if it was, Brigette would be the one giving it to Marinette, not the other way around. "Unbelievable, I can't deal with this right now. I'm going out to get some air." Marinette heard Brigette mumble something along the lines of "see if I care." but she didn't pay it any mind.

She made her way out the back door, careful to not be seen by her parents, but they were so focused on the bakery (which was packed right now) that even if they did see her, they wouldn't have time to ask her where she was heading. Once she was out in the sun, she took out her phone and dialed Adrien's number, he answered almost immediately. "Hey princess."

"Hey... so, we can't be together." She heard him choke on some thing on the other end of the line.

"Did my father find out about us?" Marinette shook her head, but remembered he couldn't see her.

"No, Brigette said the only way she would keep my identity a secret was if I broke up with you, and I'm betting the way she'll keep yours if you agree to be her boyfriend." Adrien sighed.

"I get it, but you know I'm not going back to Brigette. I wouldn't do that to you." Marinette felt smile touch her lips, Adrien was really the sweetest, most romantic person she ever knew.

"I know you wouldn't, but I don't think we have a choice this time. It's going to be hard... I love you kitty." 

"I love you too, milady."

---The next day at school---

Brigette had left the apartment  a few minutes after Marinette had, giving her time to think of the right thing to tell Adrien. She found him standing outside the school looking around, and when he saw her, the frown on his face grew deeper but he made his way over to her. "Hey Brigette, listen we need to talk." 

"I couldn't agree more." The blunette said.

"I'm not going to date you." Brigette shrugged, grabbing her phone.

"Then yours and Marinette's secret is out." Adrien sighed, but shook his head. 

"I don't care, you could tell the world about us, but that won't stop be from being with her." Brigette furrowed her eyebrows. Yesterday he was trying to stop her from saying anything about their identity to anyone, now this?

"Do you really love her?" Adrien gave her an obvious look and nodded. "Then let her go." She walked away and he walked over to Marinette. She had been watching their conversation, but she'd only seen Adrien's face and Brigette's back. She wasn't able to see her reaction.

"Hit did that go?" She asked nervously, fiddling with her fingers. Adrien put his hands in his pockets.

"Honestly, better than I expected to go." Marinette looked over at the girl who was walking into an empty classroom. "I hope she'll be okay."

---With Brigette---

"I cannot believe those two." She starting pacing around the room, the fury in her mind growing stronger. Before she could take another step an akuma flew into her necklace and she heard a dark voice speak inside her head.

"Mirror Mistress, I am Hawkmoth"


Word count: 1067 (not counting this)

Chapter twelve is done, only three more left, Which will either be posted later tonight, or  tomorrow morning.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Feel free to point  out an mistakes

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