Chapter three - Just Friends

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It was the next day of school and Marinette hadn't heard from Brigette since their fight yesterday. She wasn't too worried though, she was smart. She would come to school. Marinette didn't want to think about that right now, she was going to talk to Adrien about what happened yesterday. "I'm gonna do this Tikki, I'm going to talk to him." Even though she had talked well with him the day before, it still made her slightly nervous.

"You can do this Marinette!" Came the optimistic voice of her kwami. She stood by the entrance of Françoise Dupont looking for the blonde boy that she loved. After finally spotting him, she made her way over to him and grabbed his attention.

"Hey, Adrien." Yes!! She inwardly applauded herself for being able to talk with him normally. He turned to face her and a fake smile rose to his face, one that Marinette knew all too well. She always recognized Adrien's real smile over his model one.

"Hey, Mari.. could we talk." Adrien pointed back towards the library and Marinette nodded. They quickly made their way there, shutting the door so they could have their privacy. Marinette could see how tense he was. "So." Adrien started, he was starting to act like her, fidgeting, stumbling over his words, but why? "I'm sorry. About yesterday I mean." Marinette put her hand in his and gave him a confused look.

"Why?" She asked soothingly, seeing the smile on her face only made him feel worse.

"Because I led you on. I like you Marinette, I really do, but not like that. I'm in love with someone else." He heard a small gasp escape her, and it broke him, he knew she had the right the know who this girl was, and if he knew, he would tell her, she deserves that much. He almost kissed her, while he was in love with Ladybug. Right now, he couldn't be more confused, and he would give himself more time to think, but right now, he had hurt Marinette, and that was killing him. They already had a rocky relationship, Adrien always tried his best to keep everything good between them, but nothing seemed to be enough.

"Oh, don't worry Adrien, I understand." Her hand left his, and he immediately missed it. He turned to face her and she wrapped her arms around herself and let out a small laugh.

"Friends?" Adrien asked, trying to get rid of the awkwardness that was around them. Marinette nodded with a small smile. He cleared his throat. "We still have to work on the robotics assignment. Could we meet up later here after school?" 

"Yeah sure." With that, she walked out of the library trying to keep the tears from leaving her eyes.

Alya was walking to the bathroom when she saw Marinette about to break down. "Marinette what's wrong?" She looked up at the brunette and walked passed her for class, claiming she was fine, that it was nothing. Alya didn't seem so sure though.

---After school---

Brigette had quickly made her way home in order to find Marinette's diary before she was able to. She had searched all over the house and now she was on the balcony. A little while later when all seemed lost, she finally found it behind a plant. "Found it!" She whispered to no one in particular. 

She opened it up to the first page, only to freeze when she heard footsteps approach. Without thinking, she placed it back in the spot where she had found it and shot up to her feet, just in time to see Marinette climb up to her. "Hey Bri, what are you doing up here?" 

"Oh, I was looking for your diary, as an apology to yesterday." Marinette gave her a small smile and thanked her.

"I'm sorry too, but by any chance, did you happen to find it?" She started fiddling with her fingers. Brigette kept a straight face, but her mind was screaming at her. Something was definitely off, Marinette only acted like this when she was hiding something, and lately, that was always the case. 

"No, I'm sorry I couldn't. Do you have any idea where you had it last?" Marinette scratched her head, trying to think back to when she last wrote in it. She only ever had it out when she was going to rant about her day or ideas for designs. Her face suddenly lit up.

"Actually yeah, I think I last had it up here." She walked around her sister and started looking in the most obvious places first. Brigette's heartbeat started to speed up, she couldn't let her sister find it, or it was game over for her future with Adrien. She grabbed Marinette's arm making her jump slightly.

"It's not up here!" Marinette looked at her then down at her hand, slipping her arm from Brigette's grip. She cleared her throat and continued. "I've been looking for it for the past half hour, and it's nowhere to be found. Maybe you left it at a friend's house?" She suggested, shrugging her shoulders.

Marinette knew that wasn't the case. Her diary never left the house, in case a situation exactly like were to happen. But she trusted her sister, she had no reason to lie. Just in case she would check up here later tonight when no one was around. "Oh, well tell me if you find it."

"Will do." She responded giving her a small smile, which Marinette gratefully reciprocated, before leaving through the trap door. Once Brigette saw her walk out of the bakery she took the diary back and started to flip through the pages. "Alya and I went for ice cream." She turned a page. "I went to the wax museum with Adrien, Yay!!!" Another page. "I babysat Manon today and she almost destroyed one of my new designs, but I got it away from her before any damage could be done." Brigette frowned and turned another page, it didn't look like anything worth hiding, so why was she acting so weird? "Brigette took the blame for a mixup with the macaroon order, I couldn't have asked for a better sister" She felt a wave of guilt hit her, Marinette was a great person and she didn't deserve this. 

Sighing, she closed the book and walked over to the small door that led to her bedroom, but before she could take one step, she tripped on a chair leg and fell to the ground, the diary falling out of her hands. Great, she thought, now I'm turning into Marinette. She got up on her feet and dusted herself off. She took the book off the ground, which had fallen open. She was about to close it and call her sister, telling her she had found it, but her eyes were drawn to a line that didn't give her the chance"

"The day I became Ladybug everything changed."


Oh no! Brigette knows, do you think she'll tell anyone?

Word count: 1163 (Not counting this)

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