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Emily's POV

I went through the drive through for In n out and now I'm on my way to Sway. I put the address in my gps and follow the little lady's voice.
About 10 minutes went bye and I had gotten to the house. I turned off my car and sat in it for a sec and just thought to myself.
Okay Emily you can do this. People other than your family are gonna know that you and Kio are siblings. We got this"
I sighed and then grabbed the bags of food and drink trays and got out of my car. I have no idea how i'm holding everything but I am. I walk to the door and kick it sincr i have no free hands. I wait a bit then a tall brunette boy opened the door. I would be lying if I said he wasn't cute. I may or may not have looked him up and down.
?-"Hey Emily, do you need help?"
Emily-"Uh yes please if you could just grab a drink tray that would be great"

He grabbed the drink tray then walked inside. I followed behind him. We walked into the kitchen where we were met with 4 other guys and kio. (Griff,Jaden,Anthony,and Bryce)
They were all just staring at me and the boy when we walked in.
Emily-"Uh hi everyone"
Kio-"Hey Em"he says hugging me and grabbing the food bag
A boy with messy black hair came up to me and grabbed the other drink tray and said "Thank you for buying lunch we owe you one"
Emily-"It's no problem really" I say smiling
Kio-"Let me introduce you to everyone well that's here for right now"he points to a boy with short brown hair "This is Griffin"
Griffin-"Hi" He smiles and I smile back
Kio-"This is Bryce"he says pointing to the guy next to Griffin "This is Anthony" he says pointing to a taller guy. Both Bryce and Anthony smile at me "This is Jaden" He says pointing to the boy with messy black hair."And you met Josh" he says pointing towards the guy who opened the door.
They all said hi and we go to the dining table and start eating.
Emily-"Okay so I don't know much about any of you...all I know is that you guys are Kio's friends so tell me something about yourselves"
Bryce-"Okay well we are Sway La we are pretty much a group of guys who got internet famous off of the app TikTok. I am the party animal of the group and take things to the next level a bit. I have a girlfriend Addison Rae and I am 21"
Emily-"Addi is your girlfriend"
Bryce-"Yea why"
Emily-"I was Dming her the other day. She's really nice"
Jaden-"Okay uh well Im Jaden, which you already knew."he laughs then continues"I do music. I have about 3 songs out right now"
Emily-"Really, that's cool. What are the names of your song I wanna listen to them"
Jaden-"yea gimmie your phone and I can pull them up. They aren't as good as your songs but-"
Emily-"Music is music everyone has a diffrent way of showing their music and im sure yours is amazing" I pass him my phone and while he is pulling up his music Anthony starts talking.
Anthony-"okay so while Jaden is doing that Ill tell you about me. I am 19. Im dating Avani Gregg. I am more of the calm one along with Kio and Griffin. I am more into fashion and I like to plau around with different styles and everything"
Emily-"That's fun. I like doing that too. Just being able to wear what you want. I will keep that in mind when I need someone to do a photo shoot with.Actually I think I have one next week after an audition. Do you want to come with me to it? The company was actually looking for a new male model."
Anthony-"Really you would do that for me?!"
Emily-"Yea why not? You seem chill and like you won't murder me so"
Jaden hands me back my phone and I look at the songs. I look at Jaden and smile
Emily-"I will listen to these as soon as I'm home. Okay uh...Josh tell me about yourself" I say looking at him and smiling. He looks down for a sec then starts talking.
Josh-"Um okay well I am 19 and single. I can be like Bryce and party but I also just like to relax and chill. Unlike Jaden and Ant I'm not much into that stuff. I like the business side of things a little more. I like to invest in things and being behind the scenes of businesses."
Emily-"I understand that. You want to build a future and being in business does help"
Josh-"Exactly" he throws his arms up excitedly and I giggle at him.
Emily-"Okay Griffin?"
Griffin-"I am 21 and single. I am more on the calm side. I am still in school but I also do social media. I balance the two. I can party when I want and that's pretty much it"
Emily-"Cool cool" I say finishing up my food "Uh where's your trash can?"
Josh-"Here I'll throw your stuff away"he says taking my trash away.
Emily-"Thank you"
Bryce-"Okay so I just gotta ask cause we all are dying to know. How do you and Kio know each other?"
All the boys attention goes to me and Kio.
I look at Kio and he nods.
Emily-"Uh well I have known Kio forever"
Kio-"Yea I have known Emily since she was born"
Jaden-"Okay but Kio said he wants to tell us what you two are so what are you two?"
Josh-"Yea Kio said you both are single and you two are just friends so if you aren't dating what are you?"
Bryce-"Yea you two are definitely more than friends"
Kio-"Uh well Emily and I aren't just friends you guys are correct we are...Uh"
Emily-"Siblings. Kio and I are siblings"
All the boys just looked at us shocked
A few moments pass by and no one has said anything.
Emily-"Uh are you guys gonna say anything"
Josh-"I- just- huh?"
Griffin-"That's cool ig"
Ant-"I mean you guys do kinda look like you could be siblings ig"
Emily-"We have different last names because I Caleb is my stage name so that my family wouldn't have to be in the spotlight if they didn't want to and then Kio started blowing up on Tik Tok and he didn't want people knowing we were siblings so we just never said anything."
Josh-"That makes sense a little bit"
Jaden-"Yea Yea"
Anthony-"So who is older?"
Kio-"I am by 2 years"
The boys just nod and we start talking about other random things. We make Tik Toks then we all get silent when we hear the front door slam. A boy that looks a little like Jaden walks into the living room where we are.
?-"Dude I can't believe that Cynthia is-Holy shit you're Emily Caleb. Like the Emily Caleb. What are you doing in our house?"
Kio-"Quinton this is Emily and Emily this is Quinton"
Quinton-"Okay I'm sorry if this comes out rude. What are you doing here?"
Kio-"Quin, Emily is my sister"
Quinton-"She is your sister!!"
Emily-"Okay we went through this already we will fill you in"
We filled Quin in and all the boys and I just hung out for the rest of the day. I got to know all of Kio's friends and it was nice because I just got to be myself without people judging me. Tomorrow there is supposed to be a party and the boys want me to come so they can introduce me to others. I agreed and I cant wait.

 I agreed and I cant wait

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Unknown Siblings ~Josh Richards~Where stories live. Discover now