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꧁Josh's POV꧂
The boys and I have been hanging out in the kitchen waiting for Emily. I'm really excited to see her. She is really pretty and it would be nice to get to know her for herself instead of her online self. The boys and I are just messing around and coming up with content ideas.
10 minutes later and there was a thud at the door. The boys and I look at each other.
I get up and head to the door to see what the noise was because everyone else was lazy.
I opened the door and saw Emily. She looked so pretty.
Josh-"Hey Emily, do you need help?" I think she looked me up and down but I may have imagined it
Emily-"Uh yes please if you could just grab a drink tray that would be great"
I grabbed the drink tray from her and turned to head of to the kitchen. I heard her footsteps behind me.
When we entered the kitchen all the boys were staring at us. We got to know Emily and she got to know us a little bit while eating.
Then Kio and Emily gave us their news.
When Emily said they were siblings I couldnt believe it. They both are in the public eye and no one knew they were siblings.

~Emily's POV~
I have been hanging out at Sway for the past 4 hours. It has been really fun hanging out with the boys. It is now 6 pm and the boys wanna go to Saddle for Dinner and asked if I wanted to join. I said yes since I dont have anything until next week and it could be relaxing. We had to split into two cars.
Car 1:Blake,Quintom, Jaden,Griffin
Car 2: Kio,Emily, Josh,Bryce, Anthony
I was definitely closer with Josh,Bryce,and Anthony than with any of the other guys.
I sat in the middle between Josh and Anthony.
Bryce drove and Kio was in the passenger.
We got into the cars and headed to Saddle.
Bryce-"Noah and Dixie are coming too"
Josh-"Cool cool"
Kio-"At least you won't be the only girl Em"
Emily-"Finally a girl! Speaking of which I need to text Ariana back cause she wanted to hang this weekend"
Anthony-"Ariana as in Grande?"
Emily-"Yea she wants my opinion on outfits for her next music video"
Kio-"Imagine being that famous where you can say "I need to text Ariana Grande about hanging out"
Emily-"That is so rude coming from you."
Josh-"You are her brother. Can't you like go on her phone and take Ariana Grande's number"
Emily-"Exactly but he doesn't know my password so"

~At Saddle~
When we got to Saddle there was a lot of paparazzi. The boys walked out and went straight to Saddle. Josh stayed behind with me and I was surrounded by paparazzi as soon as I stepped out of the car. They were asking questions here and there. Asking about my dating life and asking if Josh and I were together. After 5 minutes Josh and I finally joined the others and sat down at the table.
I got to meet Noah and Dixie and both of them are really nice. Dixie wants to do music as well I haven't heard any of her music yet.
Paparazzi kept taking photos all night but other than that dinner was really fun. We were there for like an hour and a half. When we got back to Sway it was 9 pm. We hung out for a bit more till 10 then some of the boys started to go to their rooms. The only people left in the living room were Me,Kio,Bryce,and Josh.
15 minutes passed by then Kio went to his room.
Kio-"Imma go to bed guys. Uh Em if you wanna stay the night you can I have a couch in my room you can sleep on. It's the room closest to the stairs on the left."
Emily-"Okay thanks Ki"
Bryce-"What was Kio like when you guys were growing up"
Emily-"Well Kio was shy and nerdy surprisingly. He was very supportive in what I did. Since I started off with acting at a young age Kio and I didn't really get a normal sibling bonding at our teen years. We barely saw each other because I wanted my family away from the spot light so they could live normally. Kio always made sure I was okay though. He would text or call me every week just to make sure I was mentally okay. Over all he is one of the best brothers out there."
Bryce-"He didn't do anything bad?"
Emily-"Nope he was an angel" I giggled
Bryce-"Well that sucks...Imma go to FaceTime Addison. Night Josh and Em"
Josh-"Good night Bryce"
Then it was just Josh and I alone....

Unknown Siblings ~Josh Richards~Where stories live. Discover now