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~Peggy's POV~

   "Shall I wait?" Mr.Jarvis asked as I opened the door.
"No Mr.Jarvis, I'm not sure how long I will be but thank you." I walked into the shop and made conversation with the shopkeeper. He took over as the other woman was shot. I greeted the army men at the entrance and asked where Colonel Phillips was. They directed me to the bullpen where it was in a flurry of activity.
"Agent Carter, you're late!" Colonel Phillips yelled across the room. I mentally cursed him but greeted him with a smile.
"I would've been here sooner if I was informed, sir." He just chuckled and pulled me into a hug.
"I would've thought you take a week off. I know how much you lost. We are moving operations to the New York Bell Company. They will front us as we keep up activities if needed. This is Chief Dooley, he is going to man the New York branch, Chief this is Agent Carter; she will be in your office." Dooley shook my hand and went back to his conversation with two other men. I turned back to Phillips and he sighed shaking his head.
"Your first shift is Monday at 8 am. You have the rest of the week to yourself. Don't worry about the bunker here." He gave me another hug and whispered in my ear.
"You can come to me if you need anything. Just ask for me through Howard." I smiled and left out of the shop. I saw that Mr.Jarvis was still waiting outside the building.
"I thought I told you to go home?"
"Yes you did but I didn't think it would be long. Anywhere else you need to go Miss Carter?"
"No, let's go back to Howards." I got in the back and saw the other two men that were conversing with Dooley come outside. One was tall with blonde hair and the other one had black hair but was leaning on a crutch. I smiled towards them as the car took off.
   Howard was in the kitchen when we got back, a cup of coffee in his hands and the newspaper.
"So, when are you going to look for Steve?" Howard choked on his coffee and glared at me.
"Okay first; hot coffee in my hands, secondly; tomorrow. I was about to head to my lab and get everything together. Before you ask no, you are not coming."
"Really Howard?!" I asked him increduously.
"Yes really! You being there will only put everyone on edge and I don't want anyone stressing out while we are looking for Steve. I know you want to find him as much as anyone else does but I need you here." I went to my room and shut the door. Sliding down the door I knew tears were coming.

~3 weeks later~

   Steve hasen't been found yet. Howard wants to give up but I keep telling him to continue his search. He has to be out there but where?
"Are you okay Peggy? You seem a little pale." I nodded my head at Sousa.
"I'm fine just lost in thought. Can I do anything for you?" He shook his head no and went back to his desk. I looked at the time and noticed I was off in thought for almost 2 hours. I got up but a wave of nausea took hold of me and I ducked to the trash can that was beside my desk.
"Peggy!" I felt hands on my shoulders and then they were holding my hair back as my lunch came back up. I pushed the can under the desk and just sat on the floor as Sousa sat next to me rubbing my back.
"Are you okay?" He asked me while still eyeing my face in case I wasn't done.
"I don't know. I was fine this morning maybe I caught a bug. Can you help me to my chair please?" He nodded and helped me up. My legs were shaky and I know my face was deathly pale now.
"I'll get you some water okay?" I nodded at him and he hobbled away. I kept taking deep breaths hanging my head some in case I did need to throw up again. I heard his crutch and looked up as he stopped next to the desk.
"Here." He handed me the water which I just sipped at.
"I'll be okay Daniel. I can wait the rest of the shift." He nodded and went back to his desk. I killed the hour looking at various papers and organizing them.
"Let me help you outside. I called Jarvis and he's waiting outside for you." I smiled and walked beside him as he stayed close in case anything happened. Jarvis was outside with the door open and came over to me as I exited the building.
"Don't worry Miss Carter I've got you." He grabbed the crook of my elbow and steered me to the car.
"Mr.Jarvis, I am perfectly capable of walking." As I said that I stumbled on the sidewalk and almost fell face first into the car door.
"Do you want me to tell Dooley you won't be in tomorrow?" Daniel asked as the door closed.
"No, I'll call if I can't. Thank you for today though." He smiled at me as he walked back inside. The car jolted forward and I leaned my head back. I closed my eyes briefly and let myself sink into the seat. I jolted awake to someone shaking me.
"We are back at the house Miss Carter. I asked Anna to prepare some soup for you and it should be done." We walked in the door but the smell from the kitchen set off my nausea again and I bolted to the hallway bathroom.
"Miss Carter!" Jarvis was behind me holding my hair but I was only dry heaving.
"Is she okay?!" Anna was in the doorway and shooed him away to the kitchen telling him to throw out the soup. I thanked her and she helped me to my bedroom.
"Let's change you into something more comfortable and I will call the doctor for you okay?" I nodded and looked for something that I deemed comfortable.
"Miss Carter, would you like anything to eat at the moment?" Jarvis poked his head in the doorway asking.
"Roast chicken sounds good and pototoes please?" He nodded and went to prepare the food.
"Okay the doctor said that you can come to his office at 9 am tomorrow and he will look you over. Did you need help getting dressed?" I thanked her and said that I could get dressed alone. I went over to the phone and called the office.
"Chief Dooley speaking."
"Hi Chief Dooley, it's Agent Carter. I wasn't feeling good leaving the office today so I am going ro see the doctor in the morning so I won't be in tomorrow. I will inform you of any changes and of what he says tomorrow."
" Okay, thanks Carter." He hung up the phone and I did as well. I walked to the kitchen and the smell made my mouth water.
"Ah, the food is just about done. 5 more minutes I believe." I thanked him and waited at the table. Howard walked in and sat beside me.
"You doing okay Peg? Anna said you weren't feeling well so I brought alcohol." Before I could grab it Anna came in.
"No alcohol while you are sick. It will just make you throw up again." She plucked it from his hands and downed it.
"I was going to drink that." Howard complained but shut up as Jarvis brought in the food.
"Roast chicken and potatoes." He portioned out the plates and I'm surprised I ate it. I was waiting for my body to reject it like it did my lunch.
"Did you want anymore Miss Carter?" I nodded and he gladly filled another plate for me.
"Thank you Mr.Jarvis, this is delicious." He gracsiously accepted the compliment and went back to his plate. I couldn't fully finish the second plate but I still had a good portion of it. Jarvis took up the plates and Anna had Howard help.
"I might have a theory. May I go with you tomorrow? I have some shopping to get done as well while we are in the city." Anna explained.
"I would appreciate the company, thank you." I went back to the bedroom and picked out my clothes so that we could get going as soon as possible in the morning.

   The feeling of nausea was ever present as I woke up. I dashed to my bathroom holding my own hair up this time as the food from last night came up. I leaned my head on the cold seat as I finally stopped heaving. I got up and went to the mirror, looking at my reflection. I took off my clothes and just looked; nothing changed but I looked different. I quickly got dressed after looking at the time and came out into the kitchen. I just grabbed a piece of bread and some water.
"No breakfast?" Howard's voice scared me from the barstool. I grabbed another piece of bread since my first one dropped.
"I wouldn't want to throw up at the doctor's office." He nodded in understanding.
"Are we all ready to go?" I nodded to Anna as she came into the kitchen. Jarvis was right behind her. I noticed Howard was dressed as well.
"We?" Anna nodded.
"We are all going with you. We are your support and you will need it. Let's go we don't want to be late." Anna looped my arm with hers and led me to the car. Jarvis and Howard were in the front while Anna and I were in the back. Jarvis dropped us off first while he took Howard to the Automat where Angie worked. The office was on the first floor and it was mainly white with some blue hues thrown in.
"Hi, I have an appointment with Dr.Gurdy."
"It is under the name Stark if that helps." Anna chimed in. The receptionist found my name and we walked back with her to a room at the end of the hallway. She informed us that the doctor would be in soon. I figited on the observation table until Anna soothed my worries a little. A knock sounded and my anxiety shot up. Anna opened the door and ushered the doctor in.
"Miss Carter. How are you feeling today? I heard you were sick yesterday."
"I feel a little better today but still nauseous." He wrote in the maragins.
"Any discomfort or pain? Headaches, chills, or fever?" I shook my head no.
"When was your last period then?" I thought back to before Steve died and knew I had one a week prior but not had one since.
"Um, maybe 4 or 5 weeks ago."
"Have you been sexually active?"
"Not recently.." The doctor gave me a look.
"A week after my last period." He nodded and asked for me to pee in a cup. He wanted to run one more test. I asked Anna to leave for a minute and she came back in with the doctor after maybe 3 minutes. He left saying that it would only take maybe 10 minutes which turned into 15 minutes.
"Well I have good news, you are not sick by any means. You are in fact pregnant; congradulations!" If my heart could stop if would've. I didn't think only once it would-
"Are you okay Miss Carter?" I blinked away the tears and nodded.
"I'm fine. When do I come back?"
"I would like you to do a monthly appointment that way we can monitor the baby. You can set up the next appoinment with the receptionist out front. Have a good day Miss Carter, Mrs.Jarvis." I just stared at the floor when he left.
"What's wrong?" Anna asked me pulling me into a hug.

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