Old Enemies

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~Kathrine's POV~

   I had told Jarvis to keep the door locked and the shades closed before I went to sleep 2 nights ago and they were still closed. I heard a knock on my door and I ignored it. The knob moved but it didn't budge open.
"Hey, it's Steve. Can I come in?"
"Leave me alone." I covered up with the blanket again and I heard his footsteps leave.
"She doesn't want to leave her room." I heard a sigh and another pair of footsteps, they were lighter this time.
"Hey sweetie, we just want to talk." I didn't answer but the footsteps never went away. I drifted back to sleep after a couple minutes but it didn't last long. I heard the elevator ding and then a pair of heavier footsteps come onto the floor. The door was then kicked in and I immediatly did a warning shot towards the intruder as I levitated above the bed and aimed another hit towrds the door. Eyepatch was laying on the floor groaning in pain.
"Fury!" I saw Steve run over and help him up. He looked at me and just stared at my glowing blue eyes. He stood on the defense in front of 'Fury'.
"I knew there was something different about you." Fury walked into the room as I stood back on my own legs.
"What do you want?" I asked still unsure about him.
"We need help." I relaxed my shoulders but still was on guard. I followed him out and saw Pepper was there and so was Tony. We walked into a meeting room and I just stood at the back wall watching. The lights turned off and the projecter started up showing information.
"A hostile force has taken this from us. We need to get it back."
"The Tesseract." I whispered and Steve looked at me.
"How do you know what this is?" He asked me.
"I've seen it before." It was experimented on me.
"Someone named Loki has it. He is of Asgard; same like Thor. I can't get a hold of him so we will have to get it from him instead." They're talking about gods. I tilted my head at the information. I know the magic trace from the Tesseract but it would be a suicide mission if I were to look for it like that.
"Any questions?" Fury turned the lights back on and looked at the group.
"Any hostages?"
"He has two of my agents and a scientist." Steve nodded and left the room. Everyone else left and Fury closed the door.
"What about you?" I stared at Fury.
"Ask whatever you wanna know. Nothing leaves this room." He nodded and opened the door.
"Not here; Tony can listen in." I followed him out and to his vehicle. He drove to a safe house on the edge of the city.
"Now I'm listening." Fury sat down at a kitchen chair was just stared. I huffed out a breath and ran a hand through my hair.
"How do I know you aren't a double agent?" He shrugged his shoulders.
"You don't." I tilted my head at him.
"Can I do something then?" He held out his hand as to say why not. I walked up to him and put a palm on the side of his head. I looked through his memories and didn't notice anything relating to Hydra. I let go and stepped back.
"What was that?" Fury demanded.
"I went through your memories. I had to make sure you weren't Hydra." He just nodded and motioned for me to continue.
"I am a Hydra experiment. I never asked to be but they don't care about that. I was taken by Hydra in the 1950's. This locket shows the parents; Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers."
"Captain America had a kid?" Fury exclaimed. I nodded towards him. I showed him the locket and he just stared at it.
"I know Hydra lies so I'm not sure what is true or not of what they told me. I was told that I had to kill Captain America. He is my mission but after I learned that snippit I am unsure of my mission now. If I don't do it then they will send someone else and kill me in the process." Fury handed me the locket back and I put it back around my neck.
"You're safe with us." Fury said as he walked up to me.
"You aren't safe with me around. I'm an asset that can be triggered at any moment." I opened the front door and walked out. The walk back to the tower was a long one but I was able to sort my thoughts. I should ask Tony about what he found out about me but that would only confirm what he already knows. I asked Jarvis to take me to Pepper who was in her office.
"Can you take me to D.C. tonight?" I asked her as I opened her door. She looked up startled but nodded. I needed to know about my mother. We took a jet to BWI and rented a car to the retirement home.
"Can you wait in the car please? This is a little personal." She nodded and parked the car to wait for me. The receptionist remembered me and just nodded. She was sleeping when I walked into the room. I just sat on the chair and watched her chest rise and fall.
"You're back." I was so lost in thought I didn't realize she woke up.
"Yeah, I'm back. I needed to ask you some questions." She nodded at me and smiled.
"What happened when I was taken?" She sighed and looked up my hands.
"Howard and I were fighting. He had a little too much to drink and hit me. I heard something but didn't think anything of it until I walked into your nursery. The window was open and you were gone. I looked for you everywhere and Howard did as well. They left without a trace and took my happiness with them." Peggy put her hand on my cheek and wiped away my tear.
"Who took you?" She asked me.
"Hydra raised me..." She let out a strangled cry but still rubbed her thumb across my cheek.
"I wish I knew how it happened. I would not have let it happen to you." She mumbled but I heard her.
"Who's Howard?" I asked taking her hand.
"He was Tony's father. I had him pretend to be your father at the time because of how things were." I nodded at this information. A nurse then came in so that she could take her medication.
"Kat. Don't trust anyone." She said straight into my eyes. I nodded and left the room. I wasn't the only one in the hallway cause I heard light footsteps behind me. I veered off towards the elevators and stairs. I opened the stairway door and the footsteps didn't follow for a second and then on the third floor the door downstairs opened. I sent a blast down and it hit the stairs. The person that was following me started running up the stairs. I sprinted up to the roof and kicked the door open. I stood on the ledge and looked behind me as a red haired woman came through the door.
"Black Widow. Any other time it would be a pleasure but not now isn't that right?" I walked along the edge watching the parking lot as a few black tinted cars pulled through.
"Stalling will only delay the inevitable." I smiled back and brought up a hand with a ball of power waiting. My eyes glowed blue towards her as sent the ball of energy towards her but she moved out of the way. I ran towards her and tried getting her on the floor. I knew she was sent to the red room but I was trained directly under the principal there. I had her pinned in a minute but she wasn't giving up that easily. She brought her head back to crack my nose and I stumbled back holding it. I cracked it back and smiled at her.
"You're going to have to do better than that." She ran towards me and we both toppled off the building. I threw her into one of the tinted cars and used my powers to stop my descent to the pavement below. I saw Tony go over to her to make sure she was okay while Steve walked towards me. He was in full Captain America gear and looked past me to the window behind me.
"Peggy is alive; she's right inside this window Captain. Were you really going to send me through the window and kill her?" I gave me a pleading look and he had to look away.
"That's what I thought." I levitated up a little more but as soon as I was above the building something hit the back of my head and knocked me out. I felt arms catch me before I was completly out.
   I woke up strapped into a chair inside a containment chamber. I laughed out loud at the predicament I was in. The door opened to show Steve on the other side; he didn't look happy.
"You lied." Steve simply said.
"I lie about a lot of things. You're gonna have to be more specific." I sighed looking at the casing I was trapped in.
"You aren't an orphan. You ran away and joined Hydra cause you couldn't have your way." I growled at him.
"You know nothing." I stayed silent after that.
"I just want to help but you can't keep lying." He left afterwards and then a doctor came in; Zemo. I smiled at him and waited.
"You have been a terrible nuisance." He brought out a book from his bag and it was my program's book to trigger the asset. I moved slightly but he saw it anyway. The room got dark and then he started saying those damn words. I tried breaking out of the chamber and succeeded but he already said the last word.
"Ready to comply." I said in a bored tone.
"Get me out of here and then complete your mission." I nodded and blew a hole straight above us. I grabbed him and flew up and out of the building. Bullets were flying around us but none of them hit. I flew him to a vehicle and he drove away. I used my powers to locate where Captain America was. He was running my way so I waited and then he was at the end of the block staring me down.
"I got her. Don't interfere." He told someone and then he ran towards me. I ran towards him as well and met him in the middle. He wasn't a match for my powers but he wouldn't let me get close enough to touch him. His shield did most of the work until I caught it with my powers and threw to away from us.
"Are you scared to hit a girl?" I edged towards him and he ran forward. He swung out my legs and kicked me down.
"Tony!" A red metal suit grabbed my hands while Captain America blindfolded me.
"All you had to do was ask." I started laughing but it was cut short as I was knocked unconsious.
   I was thrown onto a metal floor as an anklet was strapped to my leg. I tried using my powers but wouldn't work. I grabbed the blindfold and saw I was in a cell. I also saw Steve on the other side of the bars. I sighed and shook my head at myself.
"Power dampening anklet, good choice." I told him sarcastically. He sighed himself and sat on the floor.
"I talked to Peggy. She told me everything that she could. Why didn't you tell me?" He looked like a kicked puppy.
"Because I didn't want to believe it myself."

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