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~Kathrine's POV~

I turned around and was face to face with Captain America. He was staring at the locket but looked up at me when I turned.
"I'm sorry, I don't know that name, my name is Grant." I held out my hand and he shook it rather roughly.
"I thought you were someone else, I'm sorry." He excused himself but I followed him out.
"Wait!!" He stopped and turned around.
"I really need to be going and I'm already late." He excused himself again and kept walking. I narrowed my eyes at his retreating form but followed from a distance. I stopped every now and then to make it seem like I wasn't following him.
"Stark, do you know anyone by a Grant?" He was on the phone now at a bench across central park.
"Not that I know of, why?" I heard a voice reply back.
"I don't know she seems familer to me but I've never seen her in my life. I think she's following me." He whispered the last part and I had to strain to hear him.
"Just come to the tower. I will have Jarvis make outside cameras priority." The call ended and Steve left towards the big Stark tower about a block away. I looked into the buildings surrounding it and it was all apartment buildings so I couldn't get close. I used a telephone booth nearby to call one of the bosses about the complication.
"Există o complicație, cum ar trebui să procedez?"(There is a complication, how should I proceed?)
"Neajutorat."(Helpless.) The phone hung up and I had to think of a plan again. I would wait until tomorrow, I needed him to think that I didn't know anything.
The sun was just rising and I was sitting on a bench in central park watching the few people around. I saw a jogger running my way and saw it was Captain America not even breaking a sweat.
"Aren't you an early riser? Any plans today?" I shouted towards him and he slowed down.
"I always run this early. What are you still doing here?" I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.
"Orphaned. I don't have anywhere to go." I said nonchalantly and he frowned.
"So you've been here all night?" I nodded but was still smiling.
"I don't mind it. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember." His frown deepened and he put his hands on his hips.
"He is going to kill me...Come on." I hopped off the bench and followed behind him.
"Where are we going?" I questioned curiously as we walked.
"You are not staying on the streets up here. So you can stay with Tony Stark." My heart stopped. Stark? My cover is going to be blown for sure. We walked up to Stark tower and I became nervous.
"Woah! This building is huge!" I exclaimed as we went through the doors. He scanned a keycard and the elevator opened. Hmm...
"I'm guessing this is all new." He said it as a statement more than a question.
"Yeah..." I looked over the elevator itself making it seem like I as nervous.
"Don't worry. Tony won't bite too hard." Captain America chuckled.
"So, you are 'the' Captain America? I saw you at the museum..." He sighed and dipped his head down.
"Yes. I am 'the' Captain America. You can call me Steve if that's a mouthful." I nodded in acknowledgment towards him. The elevator opened and we walked out to an office setting that had a ginger haired woman behind a glass desk.
"Pepper, where's Tony?" The woman, Pepper, looked up and smiled at Steve. Her gaze turned to me in confusion.
"Who's this?" She asked standing up.
"This is Grant. I wanted to talk to Tony about her staying here as she's been living on the streets." I poked at the floor with my foot as they talked.
"Of course she can stay. I'll find her a room if you want to go back to your run." She shooed him out of the office and looked back at her computer.
"I'm guessing you would want to stay close to him? He did find you afterall." I shyly nodded and she just smiled. She tapped away at her computer and then the printer whirred to life. She plucked the papers from the printer and put them in a file beside the typewriter. From a drawer beside her she procured a keycard like what Steve had.
"This will let you into the building at anytime but only to the community floors and your floor that you will share with Steve." I nodded and accepted the keycard. She showed me how to use it and took me up to the floor with my room. The room was empty but I didn't mind.
"I can take you out to any stores you want to so that you can get anything you need; it's on me so don't worry." I gulped but nodded while smiling.
"Thank you. Could we go now so that I could have a bed?" She nodded and showed me to the garage and we got into a black Mercedes Benz. New York City breezed past us on our way to whatever store she chose would be okay. We pulled up to a high end furniture store a few blocks away from the tower and there were so many options that made my head spin.
"Hi! How are we today? Anything I could help you find?" A woman named Carrie greeted us as we walked in.
"We will need a crew to help take whatever she picks out to the Stark Tower by 8pm, no later." Carrie nodded taking the card that Pepper gave her to the register. A mahogany fourposter bedframe caught my eye and the accompanying pieces of the bedroom set were also mahogany but with hints of gold in the trim. I hummed in appreciation at the details carved into the spokes of the bedframe.
"I'm guessing you like this one?" I looked at Pepper and nodded.
"The colors and designs are familier to me." I explained to her. I liked the set so I would gladly take it. I wanted a desk as well so I walked over to the office section of the store to look. A glass desk with black wood to accent it was very pleasing to the eye so I grabbed that one as well as the chair that came with it. A black wooden bookcase was also a must have in a bedroom.
"We can stop by the electronics store before heading back." I nodded as we walked out of the furniture store.
"Hey Pepper." We turned around to be greeted by Steve again.
"How was your run?" Pepper asked him and he said it was okay.
"I can take her to the elctronics store if you want. You can meet the furniture crew at the tower while we finish shopping." I know Pepper wanted to protest but I beat her to it.
"I will be fine with Steve. Just set the furniture however you feel is best. I can have Steve move it around if I don't like it." Steve smiled down at me and I smiled at Pepper. She just nodded her head and went back into the store after giving me her credit card.
"Shall we go?" Steve motioned to the car and held the door for me. I thanked him and got in the front seat.
"I'm gonna guess you don't have a phone." I shook my head no.
"Okay, we will go to Apple first and then Best Buy if you want." I agreed with his plan and we were off.
"Can I ask a question?" He nodded my way to continue.
"I read at the museum about your last mission but it only said a few people excluding you came back. What happened?" I knew this would hit a nerve but I had to get information. He sighed deeply but answered anyway.
"Before we even got to the Hydra bunker we had to get on a train. It wasn't a very big window so our timing had to be right. We got on the train but they were waiting for us and got us seperated. I had knocked out the one fighting me and went into the next train where my friend and fellow howling commando was; Bucky. The side of the train was open from a blast and he was too close. My shield dropped and he picked it up hoping to get close and then they blasted him out of the train." I saw tears threatening to fall and I put my hand on his shoulder.
"It wasn't your fault. No one could've known that would happen." He just cleared his throat and wiped at his eyes.
"Umm, let's get into the store." I nodded at him. I didn't know that was such a touchy subject.
"You didn't have to tell me if you were uncomfortable with it, I was just curious." I mumbled out but I know he heard me.
"It's fine. I have been trying to get that out for a while. I'm glad I did." Steve smiled at me and I returned it. Mentally, I was cursing myself. This man is supposably my father, how am I to kill him?
"What's wrong?" He must've saw my face.
"Just am unsure about electronics. I know enough about them but there are just too many options." He accepted the lie and nodded.
"Yeah, I was pretty overwhelmed when I went into an electronics store." I laughed imagining him inside an electronics store and an associate trying to have him buy the entire store. The latest iPhone was on display so I just figured I would get that one plus a laptop. An associate came up and asked if we needed any help.
"I just wanted the latest iPhone and a Macbook Pro." He nodded and asked about what color I would want.
"All black." He nodded at my choice and went to grab them.
"All black?" Steve questioned. I just shrugged my shoulders. I loved black what can I say? The associate came back around and asked more questions about the phone and laptop. I set up the phone plan and he helped set up my laptop before we left. I purchased some accessories for the laptop and a protective case for the phone. Thousand's of dollars later we left the Apple store and went to a Best Buy nearby for a t.v. for my room.
"Did you want anything to eat?" I was about to answer when my stomach growled. We both laughed and headed to a Subway.
"So, small is 32in to you?" Steve asked as he carried the 50in t.v. out of the store. I playfully smacked him and he laughed.
"Yes but laptops are an exception." I also was carrying a bag of various wires for the t.v. so that I could hook it up. The t.v. barely fit in the car so I had to sit behind Steve.
"Comfortable?" He asked laughing. I smacked him again and he protected himself. The ride back to the tower was filled with jokes on his end and me smacking him. Walking into my room I realized I didn't have any clothes but the furniture was arranged just how I wanted it to. Steve started taking out the t.v. until I cleared my throat.
"We need to put up the wall mount first." I said it like it was obvious. He smacked his forehead and went to find a drill. I went around the room and traced my hand along the furniture. I don't know why this set looked familer but it did. A drill whirring sounded and I pointed my blue glowing hands towards the intruder.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Steve put the drill down and came towards me hands in front of him. I calmed down and the glowing stopped as I put my hands down.
"I didn't mean for you see that." I held myself as he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel a tear roll down my face but I quickly wiped it away.
"Let's just finish setting up the t.v." I nodded at him.

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