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~Kathrine's POV~

16 years later....

   "Again!" I hit the punching bag again with more force.
"Again!" I did a twirl kick and knocked the bag off the chains holding it, my breathing ragged.
"Good work asset. Now, to meet your trainer." He shouted out in russian and a buff looking man came in; he had a metal arm that had a star on the shoulder.
"Asset meet your trainer; the Winter Soldier." I nodded towards him and he did the same. His hair hung around his face and dipped as he nodded. He hasn't shaved so the stuble was there from days prior. His eyes were a deep blue but I could tell there were flecks of green present.
"Now, go to the armory and get trained with the weapons there." He ordered the soldier. I followed him and kept my eyes trained on his back. The door to the armory opened and he swept out his arm showing all the guns available that I would be trained on.
"Pick one, we train on each weapon for one week then move on." I nodded towards him and picked up a simple looking pistol.
   A few months went by and the soldier has trained me on almost all the weapons in the armory. The last one was a grenade launcher and it was very heavy that I could barely hold it up. I huffed as I was thrown back on the floor as I pressed the trigger.
"Again." The soldier sounded almost bored.
"No. I cannot hold it steady like you can. I'm too weak-" A slap sounded the room until the pain bloomed across my face.
"You are expected to know how to use any type of weapon! If you cannot use one simply because it is too heavy them you are not an assset!" He walked out of the gun range and the guards that were there dragged me to the training room.
"Train." I growled and kick them in the shins. They grunted out curses and hit me with the side of their guns. I spit out blood and smiled up at them as they levitated and then their necks snapped.
"Asset! No powers!" I groaned as an electric poker hit my hip. They brought me to my cryochamber and stuck me in it. I tried getting out of it but they brought the glass down and it got cold quickly.

50 years later...

   A hissing down made it's presense known as I crouched behind a desk. Shit, toxic gas! I covered my mouth and nose and tried using my powers to move the gas away. I got it compacted into a ball and threw it back the way it came from and heard groans. I slipped out the window and landed in a dumpster. I climbed out and ran down the alley into the crowded streets of China. The rain pouring down helped and I quickly lost the men that were chasing me. I walked to the train and hoped on to get to my apartment 20 blocks away. I pulled on my headphones and lost myself in the calming music flowing through them. I shouldered my way out the train 30 minutes later and half ran to the apartment complex just ahead. An empty apartment was all I needed and I found one that was under renovation on the ground floor. I pulled off my hoodie and held it out in front of me. Well, there goes another one. I shoved it into the fire place and pulled my backpack off to find my lighter. I found my passport and any federal document I would needin case I had to run. I flicked the lighter and burned the hoodie. I waited until it stopped raining and took a train to the airport. I had to move countries again and this time it was America. I smiled my way through security and made up an excuse that my family was waiting at the BWI airpoint in America and they bought it. I got first class and just relaxed listening to my mp3 all the way until we landed. I quickly got through the checkpoint and hailed a cab and told him New York. He looked like I was crazy until I threw a couple thousand dollars his way. He complied and we were on our way to thet big apple. I only hoped I found what I was looking for there.
   I stood in front of the museum that could possibly hold the answers I was looking for. I walked around for a bit and finally found the part about World War 2 and the heros. I saw one with the suits the men wore and pictures of them behind it. I gulped looking at two individuals that I was looking for. One was my mission and the other was my superior. I was informed that Captain America was finally found and was in New York City. I was to make sure he never made history again. I found a panel that read 'James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes' and it told of his history until he disappeared on his last mission which was Captain Ameria's last mission as well. Their histories seemed alike except for the fact Captain America was deemed the hero. He was no hero to me. He was the villian and he needed to be gone. I noticed that there was a film playing in a theater about after the war was over. It showed a woman named Peggy Carter and she was explaining to the reporter about how Steve was changing her life. I noticed she wore the same necklace that I woke in wearing after 50 years in the cryochamber. What did that mean? I left the museum and tried finding a library. I needed to find this woman and fast. I couldn't be seen abandoning the mission. I found a lot about her and of where she currently was. Captain America though was more difficult to find. I found a lead saying Chinatown and I would go there first. I needed to get back to Washington DC to ask my questions about the necklace with Peggy Carter. Chinatown was very crowded but I knew where hiding holes were and where certain characters could find someone. I asked around and after a while I was confronted by a butcher and a knife. A nice old lady in a chinese antiquities shop smiled at me as I walked in. I asked her about who I was looking for as I slid her a thick wad of cash. She ushered me towards a flight of stairs and told me he was downstairs. I thanked her and made my way down quietly. I saw a figure facing away from me hitting a punching bag. He was tall, lean, and muscular but he seemed tense. I heard commotion upstairs and quickly hid under a bench where I wouldn't be seen. Another man walked in but he was tall and broading with no hair. He also wore an eyepatch for some reason.  The bag then flew off the chains and the one at the bag just picked up another one.
"Rough night captain?" The one with the eyepatch asked.
"Just trying to get back into the swing of things sir. Are you here with a mission?" He stopped the bag and walked away. When he turned around I covered my mouth in surprise. He looked like me except for the blonde hair and a few features. Why did he look like me?! I kept listening.
"We have something missing. Anything you can tell us about this?" Eyepatch asked the captain.
"You should've left it in the ocean." The captain picked up a punching bag and carried it out of the training room.
"You know you make a lot of noise for an assassin." Eyepatch was staring directly at me then. I grumbled as I came out of my hiding spot.
"Who are you?" He moved closer and I pulled out a knife.
"Who are you?" I countered back at him.
"Would calling me a friend help?" I gave him a cold stare and he sighed.
"If you aren't going to tell me anything then get out." He told me as he stared me down. I brought my knife down and walked towards the stairs. I thanked the old woman and she waved me away. I lost him again. I figured I would find a way back to Washington DC before sunrise and walking was not an option. I found a bus station but it wouldn't take me where I needed to go.
"Hey pretty lady! Need a ride?" I smiled and nodded.
"Sure." I said in a low tone. He took off after I closed the door.
"Now, where to- ah!" I held a knife to his throat.
"Washington DC, now." I told him deathly calm. I grabbed his phone and threw it out the window so that cops wouldn't be a problem. He complied so I lowered the knife but still had it in a death grip in case he tried anything.
   He pulled up to an abandoned building like I told him to and I killed him and hid the body. I drove the car a few more miles until I saw the retirement home. I found a parking spot close to the exit and parked. The receptionist told me the directions to her room and I thanked her. The woman on the bed looked older than what I saw in the film. I knocked and she looked my way and smiled.
"I knew you'd come back." She held out her hand and when I took it her smile faltered.
"Are you Peggy Carter?" I asked her and she nodded.
"My name is Grant Stark. I was hoping you'd tell me about this necklace. I saw you were wearing it from back in the 1950's." She looked at the necklace and then back to me.
"You really don't know me do you?" She gave me a kind smile which I returned.
"What do you mean?" I asked as she rubbed the necklace.
"You're real name is Kathrine. You are my daughter and I made Howard promise me he would have this find it's way to you. Our pictures are inside, look once you're in New York." She had a coughing fit and I brought her a cup of water. I held it out for her and she graciously accepted it. She looked at me fondly afterwards and cooed.
"I knew you'd come back." Alzheimer's disease, great. I quickly got out of there and found my way back on the road to New York. I fiddled with the locket but it was glued stuck. I gave up but would open it soon. The sun was almost setting when I got back to New York and the streets got busier. I ditched the car and tried finding that antiquities shop again. The old woman was there and she greeted me again. I showed her the locket and she awwed at it. I watched her go to a backroom and pull a kit with various items that could pry open the locket. About 30 minutes later the locket popped opena little and she smiled. She handed it back to me and left to put away her kit. I opened it and gasped at the pictures. It was of Peggy Carter and Captain America.

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