Chapter 11: Tubby Spidey

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Yea, I watermarked it its my profile picture and I don't like it when people use my profile picture in stuff.

🌟Last night, I had a dream about a fat 7 year old Spider-Man. It was a sign!!! And now..... I'm gonna write about it! It's only gonna be 2 chapters, maybe 3, BUT YOU'VE GOTTA ADMIT HE'S ADORABLE!!! Too cute. Too cute. Now to continue with the story!

I woke up in Dipper and Mabel's room lying on a huge pile of sweaters and pillows. "What's going on?" My voice was high and girly. I sat up and looked around, Steve and Wade were 7! I looked at myself, I was 7! "You've gotta be kidding me!" I looked down, and saw that the lard bomb hadn't kicked in, or maybe it doesn't even work.

"I'm hungry!" Dead Pool exclaimed.

"I am too." Capt. sighed.

"Me 3!" I chirped in.

"PB&J FOR EVERYONE!!!" Mabel shouted.

"But I want Mexican." Wade complained. "Enchiladas Tacos and Chimichangas." He whispered.

"I'm fine with this." Steve smiled.

"Chunky or smooth." I hate chunky peanut butter. Gross.

"BOTH!!!!" Mabel shouted.

"We only have chunky, Mabel used all of the smooth on a peanut butter sweater. Then she ran outside and squirrels attacked her." Dipper laughed.

"They were so hungry." Mabel shuttered.

"Can you pick out the chunks? PWEEEAAAAASE?"

"Microwave Wade some frozen burritos, and get started on the sandwiches. I'll pick out the nuts."

"YASSSSSSSS! For Tacos!" Dead pool exclaimed.

"For 'Murica!" Steve shouted.

"Let Gravity Fall and Spiders crawl!" I shouted.

"Ooh, I like that. Did you come up with that yourself?"

"Yea I-"

"No the author did!" Wade shouted.

"The what?"

"Oh nothing..... Let's go and eat!" I began to run down the stairs, when I felt out of breath. I collapsed onto my knees gasping for air.

"Peter are you okay?" Mabel ran up to me. My hands began to swell, along with my legs, head and stomach. Well my stomach grew the most. I rolled onto my back. I felt like a pig.

"Looks like Waddles has a new friend!" Wade laughed.

[DISCONTINUED] Gravity Falls and Spider-Man {GARBAGE STORY}Where stories live. Discover now