Chapter 14: Monster

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🌟DOESNT THAT PHOTO LOOK AMAZING?!?!?! I took me an hour to do, that's why I water marked it. Play this song while reading the chapter, it will give good feels/vibes.

"See, I fixed you all up. And, I thought we were friends?"

"Friends don't tie strings on each other." I snarled.

"In my dimension they do."

"Okay I'll just return the favor!" I wrapped him in the venom symbiote and put him under my control. "Now take me to the Pines twins." Venom took over my body, leaving me stuck there to watch.

"γεs ΜΓ. PαΓκεΓ."

"Please. CALL ME VENOM!!!!" I/he shouted.

"γεs VεnΘm."


We arrived in front of the mystery shack.

'Let me go!!!' I shouted at Venom.

'Tisk tisk. I have big plans and I don't need a puny nerd getting in my way.'

'Don't hurt them. They've been to good to us.'

'Oh I won't hurt them. I'LL JUST KILL THEM ALL INSTEAD!!!'

'NO!!! Please!' I pleaded.

'Enough talk. Time to kill.' He then shut me up and began to walk inside.

"Dipper, Mabel, Wade, Steve? Where are you?" Venom said trying to use my voice.

"Spider-Man?" I heard Wade ask.

"Peter?" I heard Mabel ask. They both ran into the shack.

"Hi guys." He made Bill say.

"DIPPER!!!!" Mabel screamed. Dipper and Steve ran into the shack.

"Mabel that's not Spidey anymore. It's venom." Steve said tugging on Mabel's arm. "We have to get out of here."

"But the Party's just begun."

"Peter why are you doing this?"

"Yes Peter, why did you?" He lifted me up out of the venom and actually let me speak. But he kept my arms and legs pinned down.

"I made a deal with Bill. He tricked me, and I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen." I said looking around at all of them.

"Oh Peter-"

"Times up." Venom cut off Mabel.

"I love you don't hate me!" I shouted while being wrapped in venom again.


🌟A/N: The Amazing Spider-Man quotes! YEASSSSSSSS!!!!

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