Harrison Wells?

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I read the message on the wall. It said: "The next time when we will see us again then your friends won't see the light anymore, and you will see them die, Layne Sullivan!" Great.. just great.. But how did he know my first- and surname? But I really need to watch out the next time. I don't think he's joking about that.

I teleported to S.T.A.R Labs. "Hey Guys!" "Hey Layne" "Sooooooo is my training going to start now?" "Yeah, but first do you know Firestorm?" asked me Barry. "Yes!" "And you know that Ronnie died?" "Yeah" "Because of that Profession Stein died nearly. We needed a potential meta who could melt with Professor Stein" "Oh.. did you found someone?" "Yeah" "Who?" "Jackson Jefferson" "Can I meet him?" "He is not here right now" "Okay"

"I'll be right back" Barry said. He took his suit and zoomed away. "Sooooooo when does my training start now? I wanna fight with Barry against those metas!" "The training is gonna start when Barry is back" said Caitlyn. "Alright"

Barry came again. "Hey ehm sorry Layne but your training is tomorrow. I decided to change it again" "Aw come on!" "Sorry" "It's okay. So can I go now?" "Yeah" "Barry, what's wrong?" Cisco asked Barry. "Nothing" "Really?" "Yeah" "Alright"

I teleported back to my home and layed on my bed. I took my phone and looked what time it is now. 11:29pm Two minutes later I fell asleep. I woke up and looked on my phone. It's 11am. I stood up and maked myself ready to go to S.T.A.R Labs.

I went outside and walked to S.T.A.R Labs. I saw that blue lighting zooming away from me. I better get not in his way now. I don't know how to use my second power yet. I came to S.T.A.R Labs and went inside. I took the elevator up.

I went to the others and then I saw Harrison Wells. He had a book in his hand and talked about how good it was and that even if he didn't write it. He's even holding a blaster or something like that! How is he still alive? Is that even Harrison Wells aka Reverse Flash aka Eobard Thawne? Or is it someone else looking like him? Is his name even Harrison Wells? Maybe he had a twin.

"Oh, hey Layne" "Hey Barry.. Why is Harrison Wells here?!" "Don't worry he's Harrison Wells from Earth2!" "So he is the doppelgänger from Harrison Wells?" I asked. "Yeah, but Harrison Wells wasn't really Harrison Wells he had just the body from him his name was Eobard Thawne" said Cisco. "And because of Eddie who is a part of his family he doesn't exist anymore" said Caitlyn. "Yeah" I agreed.

Harrison Wells took a pink purse from his bag out and gave it to Caitlyn. She said that this is maybe her's. "Let me do some tests on you" Caitlyn said. "That wouldn't work I'm not different from my doppelgänger on this Earth" "I will still do some tests" "Why are we even listening to him? Maybe he's evil just like Reverse Flash!" I whispered to Barry. "He saved my life" he whispered back.

"Why are you even here?" I asked him. "To help you stop your worst enemy" "He already did" said Cisco. "No, not Reverse Flash. I mean Zoom. I see you heard about him" "Yeah. What do you know about him?" I asked him. "Everything. I created him," he said. "I am responsible for all metahumans on earth 2. I ignored this fact for too long. But now.. I will do something against that" "Yes, but as for that, we have an unrivaled hit rate" "A unrivaled hit rate, Crisco? How many would that be? 10? Less? Zoom is obsessed with speed. He wouldn't let it happen if there was another Speedstar in the multi-verse" said Harrison Wells.

Suddenly Joe came. He took his gun from his jacket out and shot three times on Wells. Barry catched with his speed the Bullets and let them fall. "Joe! Put the gun away!" said Barry. "What is he doing here?! And why is he still alive?!" Joe asked angrily. "Maybe that's because you didn't hit me" "Hey! I'm trying to help you!" Barry took Joe and walked away with him. Caitlyn and Cisco whispered with each other.

Harrison Wells asked if there's a Big Belly Burger. I said that there is one. I telled him the way where he can find it and he went out. I went to Caitlyn and Cisco. "Hey do you trust him?" "No" "No" "Maybe he is like Thawne" "Yeah Caitlyn's true. Maybe he is" "That can be" "Hey so I'm going to Barry. We're going to Jitters" "Alright. Bye Cisco" I said to him. "See you later Cisco" "Bye!"

"Wait! Can I go with you?" "Sure!" I went with Cisco to Barry and we three went to Jitters. We went in and waited to be the next. Cisco talked about girls and stuffs. Then this police officer girl named Patty, I think, came. I think Barry likes her and she likes him back. They both talked. Then she had to go.

"Why you're not asking Patty for a date?" I asked Barry. "I tried to! But I was attacked from an shark and then Harrison Wells 2 came" "I think we should give him a nickname or another name. Because Harrison Wells 2 doesn't sound good" "Yeah. We can just call him Harry" said Cisco. "Alright. Sounds good to me" said Barry.

"But it shouldn't be that hard to ask Patty for a date" "Says the one who didn't ask out a girl" I giggled as Barry said that to Cisco. "I will now ask out a girl! Look how I'm doing that Barry! And you won't be laughing anymore Layne!" he said as he went to the counter.

The girl asked what he wanted as a drink and he said that he don't want a drink. He asked her out and she said no. He then went to us back. "Maybe next time" I said to Cisco. But he just starred in the nothing. "Cisco?" "Hey Cisco. It's not that bad" "There's a Jumper in the Central City Bank!" said Cisco to Barry. "What? How did you know?" "I just know it"
So this was the sixth chapter of "In Love with a Villain -The Flash"! I hope you enjoyed reading it! This chapter is a bit longer with 1113 words! We will see us in the next chapter!

But now I wish you a great day/night! Bye!

~Sky is Out~

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