Chapter 11

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The morning after Cordelia's accident at the jazz club in the heart of the city, Eleonora woke up to a bunch of worried chatter, but strangely enough, the chatter was also full of wonder and curiosity. Still wearing her pajamas, she approached the dining table, where the others were having cereal and other kinds of breakfast foods; Nan looked back at her and sighed sadly.

"Cordelia got injured," she told the blonde; Eleonora gasped.


"Last night," Queenie cut in. "Fiona came back here at about three in the morning. She's still asleep, actually."

"Oh," Eleonora said, holding her arms to her body timidly as though she were out in the cold-the morning sun's rays seemed to fade in the room as she showed signs of concern and sadness in her eyes; the verdant sparkle in them drew everyone's attention.

"Have some breakfast," Delphine insisted, a sinister look in her eyes. Eleonora was intimidated by her, but she still sat down and was given a bowl of strawberry oatmeal; she had not taken a bite, for she had heard an all too familiar sound in the atrium, approaching somewhere as yet unknown.


It was high heels; definitely high heels. Long, tall, thin stilettos that had the sharpness of a knife's blade.


It continued, but it stopped; a voice suddenly filled the dining room; it was fiery, feminine, seductive, and alluring, yet seething and piercing.

"Hello ladies," it said. "My, what a fine bunch you are."

Eleonora looked back in shock-it was her mother, Helen, standing there dressed in black in all her sinister glory. The other girls definitely felt the same, but the freckled blonde gasped upon hearing her next sentence.

"I am the new headmistress," she continued. "Cordelia needs time to get back on her feet."

She can't be serious, her daughter thought to herself, her green eyes focused on the windows that led to a view of the outside world-it had begun to downpour at her discretion.

Zoe had paid Kyle's mother a visit, assuring her that her son would return home soon when she expressed worry. However, she was in an awkward position-Misty was still healing his stitch wounds and it seemed like forever before she could finally see him again. Within two weeks, she finally took it upon herself to go to Misty's shack in the bayou with the intentions of visiting Kyle and possibly taking him home where he belonged. Upon being welcomed into the shack, Misty smiled at her before going to put the poultice jar away in her drawer.

"How is he?" the girl asked, her honey brown eyes fixated on Kyle, whose eyes stared off lifelessly into space; however, there was a spark of life in their intense, dark brown color.

"He's been doin' much better," Misty answered, adjusting the shawl she was wearing over her shoulders. "Barely a scab on 'im."

"Is he alright to go home?" Zoe asked as she followed Misty to her stereo, where she turned up the volume and hummed along with the song, getting lost in the lyrics as she sang gently:

"If I live to see the seven wonders
I'll make a path to the rainbow's end
I'll never live to match the beauty again
The rainbow's end
So it's hard to find
Someone with that kind of intensity
You touched my hand, I played it cool
And you reached out your hand to me

"Uh...who sings this?" Zoe asked curiously, adjusting her long, straight light brown hair. Misty gasped and smiled.

"Stevie Nicks!" she said with excitement. "Fleetwood Mac? Ever hear of them?" The girl shook her head, and then looked over at Kyle, whose eyes stared up at her before crawling over like a baby to get a better look at her. Zoe leaned down and looked into his eyes, smiling slightly with parted lips.

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