Chapter 14

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"Kyle Spencer," Julie said, relying on her razor sharp intuition and psychic abilities to get answers to things Eleonora was not telling her. The freckled girl with light blonde hair was amazed at how correct she was even without saying anything, and her bright green eyes stared up at her as she sat with her back erect in the reading room. Chase was still in there, but he remained quiet with his face still red from crying—Eleonora had been concerned, but found it best to mind her own business.

"How did you know?" the girl asked.

"Two reasons. One, he was in Misty's shack near the marsh. Two, when we were visiting one day, we saw him there. I approached him, and I didn't know why he was there at first but I figured out that he was raised from the dead," Julie explained. "I felt his hand, and saw everything. I saw you and...another two girls who performed the spell." Eleonora was in shock, trying to process her visions in her own mind before giving her input; she sounded timid per usual.

"I-I performed it with...Zoe and Madison," she added softly, looking back up at her. "I...well, I mean, Madison talked me into breaking into the morgue with them. know, she thought she was doing Zoe a favor."

"Favor?" Julie asked, listening vigilantly.

"Yeah," Eleonora said, wishing not to go further. There was an awkward silence, and Chase glanced over at them, pulling his chair closer and leaning in with his gray eyes inquisitive and childlike. Julie gave him a brief look, and proceeded to understand more of the situation.

"I have a question," she began. "How did Kyle die?" Eleonora got nervous, looking at the twins with identical gray eyes.

"Bus crash," the girl answered.

"I read in the paper," Chase interjected, beginning his part of dialogue, "that there was an accident."

"The Greek house Kappa Lambda Gamma?" Julie questioned. Eleonora grew nervous, sighing as she exhaled from a deep breath.

"Yeah," she answered quietly.

"Someone, not something, caused that crash," the striking woman with ice blonde hair replied. "One of you three girls. I can see it now."

Suddenly, Eleonora's mind snapped—she burst from her seat and held the sides of her head, shaking it as tears formed in her eyes. She was guilty by association just being with the two girls the night Madison tipped over the moving bus as retribution for the frat boys violating her. She had not been involved in the accident in any way except for being present as a witness. The guilt was overwhelming, and she tossed her hands down to her sides.

"Stop it!" she rejoined. "Get out of my head!" Seeing the girl in distress, Julie stood up and walked slowly to her, the white petticoat-style skirt flowing around her black booted ankles as she raised her hands toward the freckled blonde with concern.

"I'm not in your head, Eleonora," she replied calmly, trying to reassure her positively.

"You're lying! Stop it! How else would you know?" the girl retorted tearfully.

"Julie, you're scaring her," Chase interrupted, approaching the girl and putting one of his gloved hands on the girl's shoulder.

"I'm not trying to, I swear. Please, Eleonora, don't be afraid," Julie said, frowning as the girl panicked. It all seemed to culminate within the girl, a raging storm inside as the weather outside changed in sync with her distress.


"Ah!" Chase exclaimed fearfully—it had begun to thunder. Eleonora was directed back to her chair by Julie, who crouched in front of her to try and calm her down, patting the side of her upper arm and trying to gently pry her hands away from her face. The rain outside had gotten heavier by the second, and when Eleonora finally took her hands away from her crying face.

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