Fuck off Bucky.

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"Fuck off Bucky. If you're so keen on having a "plan" this time then you can come up with one yourself!" Sam shouted as he made dramatic gestures with his hands.

Sam and Bucky somehow managed to avoid each other for another two weeks. Now they had to meet for their mission and they were already fighting.

"I ALREADY DID DIPSHIT!" Bucky yelled as he distanced himself from Sam, heading towards the jet. "I HAD ONE LAST TIME TOO BUT YOU JUMPED OUT OF THE DAMN PLANE BEFORE I COULD SAY ANYTHING TO YOU!"

Sam rolled his eyes and jogged over to the jet that was beginning to take off.

After jumping on just in time, Sam walked over to strap himself in across from Bucky. "So what's the plan."

Bucky looked up from his lap and began to explain. "You fly down to the roof and distract them while I go in through the door. Then we meet inside, fight who we need to fight, and grab the intel."

"Alright." Sam gave a nod.

After almost 20 minutes of silence, they had arrived at the location. Sam flew out of the plane and Bucky jumped with a parachute.

Not even an hour later they were both headed back to the jet with only a few scrapes and bruises each. "See how much better it works out when we have a plan?" Bucky says.

"Yeah yeah whatever Jamie."

"Did you just call me Jamie?"

"Yeah ya know cuz your name is James and-"

"I know why you called me Jamie but I'm asking you why you called me Jamie." Bucky interrupted.

"I don't know. It's funny."

"Calling me Jamie... is.. funny?"

Sam looked Bucky in the eyes and said, "Yes. Yes it is."

"Alright." Bucky shrugged.

A look of confusion washed over Sam's face. "So, you're not mad I called you Jamie?"

"Not really. No ones claimed that one yet." Bucky replied.


"Yeah like how only Steve can call me Buck, and only my mom could call me James."

"So I can keep calling you Jamie?" Sam asked, his confusion now mixing with amusement.

"No. You haven't earned it."

"What does that even mean?"

"You haven't earned it." Bucky shrugged making his answer seem like it should have been obvious. Sam rolled his eyes as the jet made it's landing.

This week they didn't try to avoid each other,
but only saw each other once when they were both training at the compound.

Later that same day both of them walked into the small conference room to do another mission report with the higher ups.

All went well at the meeting so they were let off early but not before being notified of their next mission. They were told it was a time sensitive mission happening sometime within the next week. They needed to stay in the compound and be ready to go at any time. Neither saw a big problem with this since they both lived at the compound anyway. One of the women at the meeting handed each of them a watch and informed them that it would go off when they were needed for the mission.

They decided to share an Uber to get to the compound because neither felt like hailing a taxi.

"Hey Bucky what's that?" Sam asked pointing behind them. Bucky looked back and saw nothing. "I call shotgun!" Sam yelled racing toward the car.

"No you don't!" Bucky yelled back but Sam had already gotten a huge head start.

"Hah! I win." Sam said as he slid into the front seat of their Uber.

Bucky rolled his eyes and got in the seat behind Sam.

"Where to?" Asked the random Uber driver. Sam gave the location and they were off.

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