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Hey guys 🥲✌️
I was almost done with the next chapter but when I went to check up on it today, all of my drafts were gone. So all of my story planning, character details, and the chapter I was working on are gone. I have no clue why (if any of you do please lmk bc wtf). And my fish that I named after Danny died today which is a fucked up coincidence. He had a very luxurious 10 gal tank and everything 🙁 I thought I was doing a great job taking care of him, he would recognize me when I came over in the morning to give him food but the past couple of days he would put the food in his mouth then spit it back out. I planned to get him a different kind bc I didn't know if it was too hard for him to digest or something. I kept the tank clean and it had a low pressure filter so it wouldn't push him around. I got up this morning and did what I always do. I'd go up to him and say "good morning Danny😊" even if my day was off to a bad start seeing Danny swim to the front of the tank to eat made me smile. But this morning he didn't come to the front of the tank. I got nervous at first then remembered that he doesn't always notice that I'm there if he's behind a decoration or something. I looked around for him and he was laying in one of the plants which isn't unusual. He still wasn't moving  but I could see him breathing so I moved the water around a tad with my finger to let him know that I was there. Once he realized he tried to swim to the front but was struggling. I adjusted the suction cup leaf so that it was more level bc he was trying to lay on it but kept sliding off. I had to go to school then and when I came back he was gone. This hit me really hard not only because he was named after Danny, but because he always seemed so lively and happy. He made a couple of bubble nests here and there and showed no signs of illness so I thought he was doing okay. He helped me take care of myself and to see that he's gone ripped at my heart more than I thought it would. I plant to continue the story but please bear with me as I mourn the loss of Danny and all of my story planning. It was about to be a wicked good chapter too 😕.

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