Bruce is back!

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The boys were curled up on the couch, Bucky leaning against Sam, while Sam ran his fingers through Bucky's hair and over his shoulders. They had just arrived back from their mission and the compound was still empty, with only the sounds of their breathing to fill the silence. "Bruce should be here in the morning." Sam said quietly. Bucky mumbled a response and shifted in his spot bringing himself closer to Sam. He felt a bit awkward cuddling with Sam but he pushed those thoughts away and decided to enjoy the moment. Sam didn't seem to mind, so why should he? Eventually Sam's trailing fingers lured Bucky into a dreamless sleep, Sam following shortly after.

The bright morning sun shone through the big window, acting as a silent alarm which woke Sam up. They had slept in without their actual alarms but it wasn't too big of a big deal. Their schedule was clear except for needing to set up a meeting with Janet. Sam moved up against the arm of the couch trying to get more comfortable, having forgotten that Bucky was still laying on his chest. Bucky shifted slightly but quickly fell back asleep. Sam felt his stomach fill with butterflies as he watched Bucky sleep peacefully while curled up against him. He smiled softly, still too tired to make any big movements. He looked up and noticed a light on in the kitchen and the soft clattering of pans on the stove. The scent of bacon, eggs, and freshly toasted bread wafted into the living room. He thought for a moment wondering who would be in the kitchen before his tired brain remembered.

A few moments later Bruce quietly walked out of the kitchen to check on the boys. (He's still regular Bruce that can turn into Hulk) Sam's face flushed with embarrassment when he noticed Banner smiling warmly at him and Bucky. Noticing that Bucky was still sleeping, Bruce lowered his voice to a soft whisper before speaking. "So did something happen while I was gone? Or are you two handcuffed together?" He chuckled gently, trying hard not to wake the boy in Sam's lap. "Oh and I made breakfast. It should stay warm for a while if you want to let him sleep in." He said nodding toward Bucky.

Sam nodded his head with a tired smile. "Thanks."

"No problem, but we're talking about this later." Bruce gestured between the two boys. Sam smiled again with a quiet laugh. Bruce then left the room probably headed towards the lab to do whatever sciency thing he had planned for today.

Around thirty minutes later Bucky took a deep breath in through his nose and shifted around in Sam's lap. Bucky opened his eyes and looked up to see a smiling Sam. He gave a soft smile back and looked forward again, noticing the light coming from the kitchen. "Bruce made us breakfast." Sam said softly.

"I can smell that." Bucky replied with his gravely morning voice. They both got up and headed to the kitchen. Sam had Bucky sit on the barstool while he got them both plates. He turned around and set Bucky's food in front of him, then picked up another barstool and put it on the other side of the counter so he could face Bucky.

"Bruce said he wanted to talk to us about this," Sam gestured between them. Bucky smiled and shook his head playfully before giving his attention back to the food in front of him. "Any nightmares last night?" Bucky shook his head. "Maybe I'll have to cuddle you to sleep more often then," Sam joked. Bucky's face reddened and his smile got a little wider. In all honesty that was the best sleep he'd ever had. No nightmares or tossing and turning. Just a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

After Bucky helped Sam clean up the dishes they decided to head down to the lab and hang out with Bruce for a little while. They knocked on the windows into the lab and walked in after Bruce called them in. "You can sit over there if you'd like." Banner said pointing to a tall desk with two metal chairs.

They both sat down and looked around the huge lab that they never really go in. Bucky noticed the drawer he left open from when he came down to get scissors. He also noticed the lack of scissors in that drawer. His eyes widened and he turned to Sam. "Did you ever put those scissors back?" He whispered.

Sam turned to Bucky. "No. I thought you did." He whispered back. They looked at each other unable to hold back their laughter while trying to stay as quiet as possible.

Bruce looked back at them with his goggles on. "So what? Now you've got inside jokes too?" He set the metal tool he had down on the table. "Seriously what happened between you two. Last time I was here you guys were two sentences away from ripping each others heads off!" Bruce leaned back against the table and waited expectantly. Sam and Bucky looked at each other again and laughed like children.

"I think we're in trouble." Bucky said trying to hold back more laughter. Sam on the other hand bursted out laughing, softly hitting his head and hand against the desk. Bucky's laughter followed causing him to inhale air quickly as to not pass out from a lack of oxygen, then bury his head into Sam's shoulder. After a few moments their laughter died down and they both turned their eyes to Bruce who was still leaning against the table with a bewildered look on his face.

"I don't get it." He shook his head and rolled his eyes.

Bucky cleared his throat, "uhm.. BASICALLY," he squeezed out trying hard not to go into another laughing fit. He coughed. "Basically he was being an asshole and we got into a pillow fight and it ended with me on top of him and then he thought it would be a good idea to kiss me as 'pay back' for teasing him earlier but I wasn't just going to let him win so I kissed him back and then we kinda realized that we're in love with each other." Bucky turned to Sam, "You think that sums it up well enough?"

"Yeah pretty much." He shrugged.

"I- " Bruce interrupted out of pure shock. "So what? You two are just fine now??" He asked.

"Kinda. He's still an asshole though." Bucky said, nodding toward Sam.

"Oh and you're not??" Sam turned toward Bucky.

"I don't believe it." Bruce said nonchalantly while turning back toward his work.

"Want me to prove it?" Sam asked trying to hold back a smile.

Bruce's eyes widened as he whipped himself back around. "That's not necessary." The panic on his face sent Sam and Bucky into another laughing fit. "Why are you two so giddy this morning?" Bruce asked, turning back to his work again. The boys just shrugged.

They sat there and chatted with Bruce while he worked for another hour before heading back upstairs to watch a movie and make lunch.

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