The Dream Team Pt. 2

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"Long story short, we know where the girl is. I'm sending you two to get her since this was your mission originally but you're gonna need help," She jumped up and sat on the desk. "Which is why they are coming with you." She continued, "They have joined up on missions before and work tremendously well together..." Janet got a couple of weird glances from the group. "Sort of."

"Oh god." Bucky sighed.

"Anyway!" Janet started again after a brief moment of silence for Bucky's sanity, "It's going to be a dangerous mission so we are taking a bit of extra time planning out the details. I advise that you all get to know one another now so you can sort out whatever grievances arise before you have to rely on each other to stay alive." She hopped off of the desk she had been sitting on, "I will contact you all when the debrief is ready. If you have any questions please let me know and I'll see what I can do." She left the room without another word.

Bucky looked up tapping his foot as he watched her leave. "You okay?" Sam asked putting a hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"I need to talk to her. You're coming with." Bucky grabbed Sam's hand without thinking and dragged him out to the hall.

They caught up with her in the halls of the Science Department. "Janet?" Bucky reached a hand out as to stop her.


"Can we talk real quick?" Bucky fiddled with Sam's fingers before realizing and dropping his hand.

Janet's brows furrowed, "Of course. My office?"

Bucky nodded.

Sam followed him into her office and sat down next to him. "What is this about?" He whispered into Bucky's ear. The latter just shook his head.

Bucky hesitated before starting, "I told Sam some of this but I haven't told you." Bucky grabbed Sam's hand under the table. Sam looked at him like he was about to ask a question, so Bucky gripped his hand tighter.

Bucky took a deep breath to level his voice. Saying he was nervous is an understatement. "Back at the Hydra base, where we first met the girl, I panicked. I knew her. She was familiar and I panicked. It was like seeing Steve all over again." Sam and Janet sat patiently, listening intently. He took another breath. "I didn't remember anything about her for a while. Then one day everything came back to me. All at once." Bucky shifted in his chair. "Her name is Marie. She was the only child Winter Soldier. She was the only one that survived. Something in her reminded me of my own sister. So whenever I could, whenever I would remember, I would go down to her cell and sit with her. She's was so young. So strong, too strong. We need to find her." Sam rubbed his thumb on the back of Bucky's hand.

"That is very important information Mr. Barnes. Thank you for letting me know." Janet said softly.

Bucky nodded after collecting himself and followed Sam out of the room. The boys headed back home for lunch and a movie or two to help Bucky calm down.


After they finished their third Disney movie they headed to the kitchen for more popcorn.

"You're a liar you know." Bucky said as he jumped up to sit on the counter.

He held the bowl while Sam poured some popcorn from the ginormous bag stored in their pantry.

"What makes you say that?" Sam's brow quirked. He took the bag and put it back in the pantry.

"You told me that Frozen was the best Disney movie."

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