Chapter 26

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Third person P.O.V

While there was shock in the upstairs level with nick and justice meeting a mysterious man, that was not as bad as the shock that Leah had received after talking to her brother.

Usually siblings have a normal relationship in which they get along and fight all the time. But that was just the thing Leah would never be able to to see her dearest brother in the same light ever again and what little love had still been there after all the betrayal had now been officially stomped  out.

Which to be frank was for the best.

"You know Leah.... we are always going to be connected even after I die, and I will make sure that it happens." Chris's mocking voice could be heard echoing the cells under the pack house.

"Shut up! Shut up! Just shut up please I'm begging you to leave me alone!"

Leah was sitting by the door still processing everything her psychotic brother had told her. Her voice was full of pain and anguish and she had no way of letting it out other than her body shaking in the aftermath.

" I hate you and even if death isn't enough to make you go away I will continue hating you" her hands shook as opened the door leading to fresh air and away from her wretched brother.


Meanwhile in the front of the house there was a existential crisis going on in this exact moment.

"Are you a stalker"

A pin could be heard dropping in that silence  " you are that guy from the cafe, what are you doing here"

The man in question seem to be getting stressed by the second " okay I will address our situation later" he said motioning between justice and himself. "Right now I need to speak to Leah and it has to be within the next few minutes preferably unless you all want to die"

With that nick and justice still refused to move.

"I'm sorry we are not in a stupid movie where we will just do anything you say because you say it in a ominous way, you have to tell us a why, for all we know you could be a psycho killer!" And for once nick said something somewhat intelligent.

Rolling his eyes the mystery man spoke in irritation " my name is Constantine argyll member of the Rock order and I have been sent here to retrieve Christopher whether alive or dead and to prevent a blood bath"

" you know how stupid you sound right 'Rock order' it sounds like a poorly made attempt to sound cool" justice scoffed.

"AtLeast my name is not justice like who names their kid justice"
"That's fucking low" justice seethed

" okay but what does Leah have to do with all of this?" Nick being the reasonable one spoke up.

"Well recently we had been tracking Christopher's movement in case anything drastic happened, and as of three days we came in contact with Amelia the last remaining blood relative of the twins" there was a pause before Constantine continued " Amelia gave us information that would put all the puzzle pieces together"

With that information nick and justice were shocked to be perfectly honest this whole time they were under the assumption that Chris and Leah had been each other's only family since Vincent had scoured all the files that were available that had anything to pertain with Chris and Leah and had found nothing regarding any family.

" you mean there is someone in their family still alive, where have they been this whole entire time"  the small group in the foyer were startled to now see a couple of new people now entering the front.

" I'm sorry but who are you" this time it was Jared asking the question. " it may seem like I'm a nobody here but I'm still the alpha of this pack" 

" my name is Constantine Argyll and as for other details you can ask these two" Constantine pointed at nick and justice.

" but as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted" Constantine sent a pointed look at Luke. " we have been tracking Christopher and we suddenly noticed a spike of some sort of dark magic surrounding Leah a few days ago and then we noticed due to sudden absence that Leah has had a small amount of black magic constantly around her so we investigated a little bit further and our findings let us to a man that has been in contact with Chris over the last few years to be exact more than a decade."

At this revelation the group fell silent to be honest how were they supposed to sound Chris had been manipulating probably everything behind the facade of being loyal to them and now they were left with the question of how much damage had he actually done these past years.


Justice spoke up after a bit of silence had gone by.

"Well right now Leah isn't available she is talking to Chris"

"I'm sorry but am I the only reasonable person here that thinks that was also a terrible idea this a psycho that has been playing with his sister life this whole time and let's also add on to the fact that he killed their parents while not being under a trance as he said before"

Everyone turned to look at Clara who was sitting to her mate.

"I'm just saying I know I was a lot of bad things but I'm also not terribly stupid as to not see that Chris is obviously going to try to manipulate the shit out of Leah" For being the most self centered person she had a point.

A quiet voice was heard after coming up to the group "It's okay Clara, Chris didn't get into my head"

Leah looked like she had seen way better days and what is to be expected she came back looking like she had seen a ghost and barely lived to tell the story.

"Justice, Nick we need to talk"

As the trio started to walks towards a more private place a voice interrupted " so can I now talk to Leah, I have been kind of waiting for hours"

" who are you?"
" well to be honest I have introduced myself so many times I should probably do a voice recording and carry that with me, my name is Constantine and I want to help you avoid basically a blood bath"

"Oh...nice to meet you, you can come with if you want I guess"

They had moved from the crowded foyer to a private room in the pack house and now that everyone had settled down Leah proceeded to reveal all that her brother had told her bellow in the cells.

"Basically Chris wants us to mate and have a child since that will fully awaken whatever demon power he inherited from our mother, but obviously our parents didn't want this to happens since you know eww incest and eww end of the world" there was a pause. "Anyone have any questions?

One could probably hear a pin drop by how silent the room had become.

I'm trying hard to finish this as fast as possible and get it over with. Probably going to aim to do another chapter this week but yeahhhh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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