chapter 7

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Justices P.O.V

well my cover was blown he found out it was i who was the leader and had stormed off. me and nick were now talking and catching up on his adventures results were that nick was part of the group . i was really calm when someone said "ooh lala i spy a very cute and smokin hot guy here" it was no damn surprise it was clara ,i was now trying really hard to stop from laughing. clara kept on saying to nick" baby lets go have some fun if you catch my drift" it was hecka gross. i then said " still whoreing around i see ". clara decided to speak up and say " please bitch i am way better looking than you i can totally have you man under my arm and day. i then couldnt contain my self "eeww" i said "you would do that to cusin nick thats just disgusting" i said .clara said what he's my cusin gross. i laughed and saw himi went up to him and said " hun karma sometimes likes being a bitch so grow up kk" i then ran out clara was now talking to nick saying shes really sorry for completly flirting with him and crap like that i just ran and ran . i stopped by a small pond then my peace was disturbed by some rouges oh hell im not in the freaken mood . they sized me up i looked normal but i knew better i was stronger than them . they shifted some guy said baby why wont you shift for me i wanted to freaken rip off his head but i kept my cool . he said shift stupid he obviosly thought i was gona shift naked like heck no . i shifted but with mmy clothes on this angered them ...pervs i said under my breath then the same guy said you did not just say that bitch and slapped me....oh hell nah i wasnt gona let em beat me they had just asked for death and war




=) love ya'll 

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