chapter 5

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justices P.O.V

I woke up in a room with dark purple covered bed I was mad and vary angry Leah I yelled


yelled Leah. "where are we" I asked. Leah looked at the floor and said "in a territory".

"no shit Sherlock ,now quit beating around the Bush" I said irritated. 

Leah then said "it isn't my fault" and ran out well this girl has issues.

'Luke' I said through the link

yeah- L

what pack are we at-  j

the pack you left and hate don't kill me-L

you are so dead- j

after my conversation with Luke I though it through. 1. they wouldn't recognize me my hair changed a lot it turned a light brown highlighted with light blond so yeah I ditched the glasses when I shifted I lost weight and now was very fit had curbs in the right places I kept myself healthy and nobody could say I was ugly cause I was hot even that sounds pretty cocky but it's the truth 2-5. I was pretty sure if you wished for death you only needed me crossed and it was all needed so yeah and besides my name had changed a little I was now known as Justice Martin and well dad and Clara had no say on me anyways as for Jared he was going to be begging on his knees later heck yeah

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