chapter:16 give it a try j-girl

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Luke's P.O.V (I know he hasn't been mentioned a lot)

You know when you watch your best friend get in a fight you just want to help him or her. yeah I couldn't ,justice would beat the hell out of me.

"so are you going to fight or not, I'm a very busy woman you know" justice said to Jared as he stood there still after he had accepted her challenge.

"oh j-girl you funny,you have to only beat him which will take 2 minutes max" I heard Leah say with her arms crossed infront of her chest looking cute as always.

"alright I'm going to fight but are you sure you don't want me to go easy on you? I mean your a girl and well I don't want you to get hurt" Jared said. we all stared at him like he had lost his marbles, well Leah had a look of pity for him and we should all beg mercy for him cuase he ain't surviving this.


I stared at Jared and fury took over how dare he say that just because I'm a girl I'm weak!

I looked at Jared one more time before I said "you know I fought and won against a gang of rouges when I arrived and you think I'm going to back down now just because your alpha?" he then had the audacity to say "yes I worry for you and your safety" 

that was the last straw I said" fight" quickly after I  ran towards him and punched him straight in the face and kicked him where the sun don't shine. he fell to the ground and he surrendered right there I huffed and ran for the pack house.







"juctice! what was that back there" yelled Leah her hair was out of her ponytail and her lips looked swollen I looked at her weirdly what the heck happened to her .

"nothing I just lost my temper and well I felt insulted and you know one thing led to another" then I quickly added "oh by the way what on earth happened to you? You look like a royal mess" Leah then looked all around avoiding my eyes.

"nothing. um.I was vacuuming the. .the..the liking room and um...Chris the big idiot bet me to put my lips on suction thing and viola here I am"  Leah stuttered. yup she was hiding something and I'm gonna find out what.

"So your telling me the vacuum gave you two hickeys and mauled your lips oh and messed up your hair"? I asked not convinced

"uh duh.that vacuum cleaner is a awsome thing ,worth every cent spent on" She said "surree" I said

"oh and j-girl you should give Jared a try he is a nice decent guy and he gave me a cookie, so maybe he is decent and will give you a lot of cookies you know he may even give you candy and cookies and you can give me a cookie of your thousands of cookies...." Leah kept on rambling about cookies she should really be nicknamed cookie monster. and maybe just maybe she's right should I give Jared a chance ?

ok I'm seriously sorry I planed to update when I put up the last update but my internet decided to be a bitch and came down also my stupid phone decided to also so I used my dad's to read and since his a smaller kind of phone I couldn't work with the necessities but I spent some time with my family. ...they seem nice... well seriously I need to see what you think what do you want or if not I feel this story isn't going to go any where and its pretty pointless and wrapping it up quickly so yeah.

but really your opinion counts a lot and if I don't know what the audience wants it makes me feel this is pointless so yeah.

sorry for mini rant up there





love y'all

(sorta of edited)

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