chapter 23

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Justice P.O.V

I ran entering the house and I noticed the scent of blood and I saw Clara running towards me she had tears running down her face and surprisingly the tears weren't muddied with mascara and foundation her face appeared to be clear and to be truthful it was a lovely surprise.the last time had seen her without makeup was so long ago .

Her words were a mess and she was taking deep breaths and then a man appeared next to her grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her towards him he was a handsome man probably in his thirties and my sister looked at him with love that could only be reserved for ones true love, it took me by surprise .

Clara looked back at me "justice I would like you to meet someone I never truly expected to ever find" she paused for a moment "and I know I probably don't deserve him after all I have done ".he smiled at her before grabbing her arm as if for reassurance that he was not going to leave her.

She took in a quick breath "he is my mate and his name is Marcus".

She then to me by arm and sat me down explaining that she wanted to make amends for all her wrongdoings and that she wanted us to for a better relationship ,it would take a while but I knew that deep down Clara could fix her path and lead a good life and while the things of the past were hurtful and childish I would be as childish as her past decisions for not letting go and forming a better relationship with my sister.

And then it happened .

"Justice,the reason for me running up to you.." Clara turned pale as if remembering  a past horror before continuing "I saw a beast and he killed Tate Morgan a warrior for the pack house,but he wasn't just any beast he is a member of your team and while I may be your sister I want you to see him for yourself."

Clara slowly grabbed my hand pulling me towards the area where they kept prisoners .as she pulled me a million scenarios passed through my mind and I hoped each was a figment of my wild imagination but truly even before the door was opened I knew who was behind that door and I prayed that by some miracle I was wrong.

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