Chapter 4 - Practice makes perfect

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She instantly got angry. "Answer it! I have a few choice words for that asshole!" Kira said reaching forward to grab my phone.

I didn't really care too much at this point, so I handed her my phone. She answered it and held the phone up to her ear. "Ushijima! You've got some nerve calling (F/N) two weeks after you broke up with her." Kira said loudly.

I instantly regretted handing her my phone as people started to look. I mean, it wasn't a secret that we had broken up... I just also didn't need a public service announcement of it.

She paused and was listening to a reply from him before she laughed. "Pfft as if buddy, yeah I don't think so." She said as she hung up the phone.

She passed it back to me and crossed her arms angrily.

"What did he say?" I asked looking at my phone.

She shrugged. "I didn't really let him finish, but he was just saying he wanted to talk to you about something. Just sounded like a load of BS to me."

I was having such a good day being distracted by the Nekoma captain and playing volleyball and now I feel just as shit as before.

I sighed again and began to play with the food on my plate, pushing it around but not actually eating any.

I found it hard to sleep that night. I kept wondering what Ushijima wanted to talk about. Was he going to ask me back out? Or break my heart even more?

Part of me even hated that I had thought he would be asking me back out.

The next day some more teams arrived and the girls had to move into a different gym. I would be lying if I said it didn't bother me. I was really looking forward to winning some more bets.

At the end of the day we packed up and headed out back to our rooms. We had finished dinner and cleaned out gym so it was time for bed. Kira and I walked past the boys gym when we heard someone call out.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto said loudly.

We both snickered to ourselves and walked over.

"You girl's up for some more 3 on 3?" He asked pointing back to Akaashi, Kuroo and Lev.

"Oh you bet!" Kira said pulling me into the gym.

We sat down and quickly put our shoes back on when Kira elbowed me. "Hey.. pssst." She whispered. "Can I go with Akaashi and Bokuto today?" She asked as her cheeks began to flush pink.

I moaned and looked over at Kuroo and Lev. "Ugh fine, but you have to tell me which one your crushing on then." I whispered back.

"Okay, thanks love you so much! Your the best!" She said giving me a quick hug as she ran over to the Fukurodani boys.

Anddd she didn't tell me...

I got up and hunched over as I walked to Kuroo and Lev.

"Hey (F/N), how did your games go today?" Kuroo asked with a cocky smirk.

I shrugged. "Amazingly, and yours captain?" I asked in a mocked tone.

"Ehh you win some, you lose some. Gotta admit though, I did miss our little bets today." He said with a sigh.

I chuckled. "Awww it's okay city boy, we can still make some bets now." I said with a wink.

What are you doing? Why did you wink idiot?...

Lev lined up behind us as Akaashi went up to serve.

"Oh wait, I'll receive!" I said quickly walking back to where Lev was standing. "That's literally all I'm good at." I laughed.

Bet on it - Kuroo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now