2| Unexpected Help

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I could not grasp what was going on. Instead I turned to face dad with confused a face. By now the car had skidded to a halt, facing the sidewalk, but horizontally, blocking one lane of the road. 

Dad was clutching the steering wheel with one hand and gripping the gear shift by the other. His face had turned into a pale ivory color. Jay was gripping my shirt like his life depended on it and was squeezing his eyes shut. Mom was trying her best not to topple off the backseat. I quickly removed the seatbelt and got out with a clinging Jay on me. Dad quickly followed suite and got out, opening the back door, and helping mom to get out. We sat her on a bench on the sidewalk and dad went to find out what went wrong with the car. It took him no time to figure out that the back tire on the left side had burst. I sat down next to mom while dad called uncle Andrew, his brother, who lived fairly close to us, along with a tow truck.

We still had one BIG problem. Mom was losing time! Not a person nor vehicle was in sight. As soon as we had made up our minds to wait for uncle Andy for help, a black car came down the road and slowed down in front of us. I quickly got up and went towards it, leaving Jay with mom while dad was still on his phone.

As I quickly jogged towards the car, the window of the passenger seat in the front rolled down, revealing two teenage guys. The person in the driver's seat had sleek, light brown hair and twinkling blue eyes while the guy in the passenger seat had short brown hair and hazel eyes.

"What's wrong, love?" asked the guy with hazel eyes. I noticed his British accent immediately but pushed the thought to the back of my head. 

"My mom needs to go to the hospital immediately! She's pregnant!" I rushed. 

They glanced at mom, who was trying to keep steady and not start screaming when the contractions hit her.

"Hop in!" the guy with blue eyes said immediately. 

I nodded graciously, and ran back to my mom and quickly told her the news. I helped my mom to stand and slowly walked her towards the vehicle. By now, the back door of the car was open and three other boys, who I had not seen before where standing outside. "They must've been in the back." I thought. One had dark hair styled into a quiff and caramel eyes, another had curly brown hair and bright green eyes and the other had blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I sent a quick nod in their direction and helped my mother inside. The boys clambered back into the third seat along with Jay. I got out and picked the duffel bag and ran off to tell dad. He agreed to let them take mom to the hospital and promised to get there himself with uncle Andy as soon as possible. I gave him a tight hug and ran bag to the car.

We sped off as soon as I closed the door.

"Give me the directions to the hospital, love." said the guy in the driving seat.

I nodded and started showing the way while clutching my mother's hand which she squeezed from time to time when she felt a contraction and pursed her lips to prevent herself from screaming.

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